Unit: ALL UNITSASTCTUDPPDTFFTFLDILEOSAMCCPIPTC Currently Showing: All Classes*1st Responder Mental Health & Wellness*AC Armorer’s Course*Active Shooter Response Certification (ALICE)*Advanced Body-Worn Cameras*Advanced Search & Seizure Series*Advanced Series: Search&Seizure, Traffic & Crim. Invs.*ALERRT (Advanced LE Rapid Response Trng)*ALERRT Active Shooter Level I*Annual MARGIN Gang Training Conference*AR15/M4 Armorer School*ASP Instructor Certification*Background Investigations for Police Applicants*Basic Call-Takers/Dispatchers Techniques*Basic Gang Awareness*Basic Investigators' Course*Basic Patrol Dog*Basic Police Mountain Bike Certification Course*Basic School Resource Officer (SRO) Course*Basic SWAT and Maritime Operations School*Benelli Nova/Super Nova Armorer Course*Best Practices in Public Safety Pre-Employ Background*Blue to Gold Advanced Training Series*Boating Law for the MD Marine Police Officer*Body-Worn Cameras: Agency Development & Implementation*Bolt Action Sniper Rifle Armorer School*Cannabis Intoxication Impaired Driving Lab*Cannabis Lab*Carroll County Sheriff's Police Academy*Cellebrite CCO & CCPA for Inseyets*Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiners Course*Child Abduction Response Team*Child Homicide Investigations*Cognitive Interviewing, Communication & Influence*Colt Armorer School for M16/AR15 Rifles*Colt Armorer School for M4/M16/AR15 Rifles*Comparative Compliance @ Prince George’s Mun Acad*Comparative Compliance @ Washington County*Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) Cert. Examiners*Corrections Emergency Response Team Basic Operator*Counterterrorism Awareness Webinar*Counterterrorism for Homeland Security Professionals*Counterterrorism for Law Enfrcment & First Responders*CRASE Instructor Update*CRASE Train-the-Trainer*Crime Scene Photography*Criminal Interdiction*Criminal Investigations Using Cellular Technologies*Crisis De-Escalation (CDT) at Allegany*Crisis Intervention Training*Critical Incident Debriefs - Lessons Learned*Crossed Arrows Performance Pistol Instructor 3-day*Data Driven Approaches to Crime & Traffic Safety*De-escalation for Veterans in Crisis*Death Investigation Academy*Detecting Deception*Dignitary & Executive Protection*Domestic Violence Strangulation Cases*Drone Assessment and Response Tactics*Effective Interview & Interrogation Techniques*Emergency Response Team Basic Operator School*Empowered Policing for Women in Law Enforcement*Ethan Saylor Alliance Police Training & Appreciation*Even Pulse Advanced Handgun for Firearms Instructors*Even Pulse Advncd Handgun Instructor-Remedial*Even Pulse Performance, Resilience for LE*Evidence IQ Lunch & Learn Workshop*EVO In-Service Refresher*Exploitation & Monitoring of Social Media for LE*Exterior Response to Active Shooter Events*Fair & Impartial Policing Train-the-Trainer*False Document Detection for Law Enforcement*FBI First Responder Negotiator*FBI LEEDA Command Leadership Institute*FBI LEEDA Executive Leadership Institute*FBI LEEDA Identity Theft Training Summit*FBI LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute*Fentanyl & Other Deadly Drug Investigations*Firearm Technology and Specialist Training*FLETC Basic Tactical Medical Instructor Program*FLETC Leadership for Women in Law Enforcement*FLETC Tactical Medical for First Responders*Force on Force Instructor School*Foundations of Intelligence Analysis (FIAT)*Fourth Amendment Search & Seizure*Ghost Guns: The New Threat*Glock Advanced Armorer's (2-day)*Glock Armorer's Course (1-day)*Glock MOS Instructor’s Workshop*Glock Operator Course*Glock Pistol Armorer*Homicide Investigation*Human Sex Trafficking for Law Enforcement*Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention*Human Trafficking for Law Enforcement*Human Trafficking Investigators Seminar*Human Trafficking Training (1-day)*Human Trafficking Victim Identification*ICISF Baltimore MD Regional Training*Identity Theft Working Group Annual Training*INLETS Webinar: The Path to Radicalization*Instructor Techniques: Non-Lethal Training Ammunition*Integrated Drug and Contraband Interdiction*Intelligence & Investigative Training for COs*Interdiction for the Protection of Children (ESCJA)*Interdiction for the Protection of Children (MSP)*Interview & Interrogation*Interview & Interrogation with FSA*Interview & Interrogation, Forensic Statements*Interview and Interrogation Techniques*Intro to Hidden Compartments in Motor Vehicles*Intro to Human Dynamics & Conflict Resolution*Investigation and Prosecution of Cold Case Homicides*Investigative Report Writing*IPMBA Police Cyclist Course*K-9 Unit Oversight & Management*Krav Maga Defensive Tactics Instructor Certification*Laser/Lidar Train-the-Trainer*Leader Armor*Leadership in Police Organizations (LPO)*LEEMCC Instructor Course*Less-Lethal Impact & Chemical Instructor Certification*MD Case Law that All Cops Need to Know*MD Criminal Justice Association Training*MD State Pre-Retirement Planning Seminars*MD Tactical Officers Association Annual Conference*Media Relations & On-Camera Training*Media Relations for Supervisors*Mid-Atlantic Violent Crimes & Terrorism Trends*Moving Up to Supervision*National Traffic Incident Management (TIM)*National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) T4T*NCJTC Sexual Assault Investigation Academy*NLEFIA Advanced Firearms Instructor Cert.*Northwestern School of Police Staff & Command*NRA LE Handgun Instructor Development School*NRA LE Handgun/Shotgun Instructor Development*NRA LE Tactical Shooting Instructor Development School*NRA LE Tactical Shotgun Instructor Development School*OC Instructor Course*Officer Safety and Terrorism*Operation Jetway Training*Opioid & Pharmaceutical Drug Investigations*Outlaw Motorcycle Gang: Contact to Conviction*PepperBall Instructor/Armorer Certification*Police Executive Development (POLEX)*Police Traffic Laser/RADAR Instructor*Pre-Employment Background Investigation*Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) Conference*Property Room Management Seminar*PTSD911 Screening*Public Safety Wellness & Resiliency*Public Speaking Training for Public Safety*Rangemaster Development*RDS (Red Dot Sight) Instructor (2-day)*Realistic De-Escalation Instructor Course*Recruiting for Law Enforcement*Red Dot Sights (RDS) Handgun Instructor*Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing*Remington M700 Rifle Armorer*Remington M870 Shotgun Armorer (non MD)*Resilience Training for Law Enforcement*Risk and Resiliency*SABRE Aerosol Irritant Projector Instructor Course*School Resource Officer (SRO) Supervisors & Management*School Shield SRO Training*Seal the Deal: Building Your Criminal Case*Searches & Seizures*Seminar for Public Information Officers*SFST Refresher Training*Shotgun Armorer Course*Sig Sauer Pistol Armorer*Simunition Scenario Instructor And Safety Course*Simunition® Scenario Instructor & Safety Certification*Social Media & Open-Source Investigations*Social Media Investigations*Social Media, the Dark Web & Human Trafficking*Staged Crime Scene Investigations*Strategies & Tactics of Patrol Stops*Street Crimes Seminar*Street Level Criminal Patrol Workshop*Street Smart Cop/Pro Active Patrol Tactics*Street Surveillance Techniques*Suicide Awareness (1-day)*Surviving a Mass Shooting: A Community Seminar*Terrorism Trends & Tactics Conference*Terrorist Weapons, Tactics & Techniques*The Crossing Series*Threat Assessment & Management*Topics in Crime Scene Investigation*Train the Trainer @ Prince George’s Mun Acad*Unmanned Aviation System (UAS) for LE & Public Safety*VALOR Executive Leadership Workshop*VALOR Mid-Level Leadership Workshop*VALOR Survive & Thrive*VALOR Train the Trainer Workshop*Vehicle Ignition Systems and VIN Identification*Verbal Defense & Influence*Verbal Judo (Allegany County Sheriff)*Vets to Drones *Victory First RDS Instructor Course*W-Z Opioid Death Investigations*Warrants & Affidavit Writing*WMD for the First Responder Community*Writing Reports NIBRS Style*WZ Tactical Field InterviewingActionable IntelligenceActive Threat Integrated Response Course (ATIRC)Adobe ConnectAdvanced Crime AnalysisAdvanced Crisis Communications Strategies for PIOsAdvanced Human TraffickingAdvanced Incident Management/Unified CommandAn Introduction to the Sovereign CitizenAnnual Instructors' Awards & Training ConferenceAnti-Terrorism Intelligence Awareness (AIATP)Applying the 4th Amendment - Search & SeizureAwareness & Response to Biological Events T4TBackground Investigator’s Training - Just the BasicsBasic & Advanced Ground SurvivalBasic Human TraffickingBasic Instructor Training (5 Day) (OLD)Basic Instructor Training (5-day)Bulk Registration - CTU Bulk Registration - International Groups/DOSBulk Registration - PTC Bulk Registration - PTC ReformCAMEO Suite Train the TrainerCCTV Situational AwarenessCell Phone TrackingCHAMP- Child Maltreatment TrainingChild Abductions and Parental KidnappingChild FirstCivilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)Coaching & Counseling EmployeesCommunication & De-Escalation for Law EnforcementCommunity Policing ReportingComparative ComplianceConducting a Complete Traffic StopConflict Mediation/Conflict ResolutionContraband & EvacuationCorrectional Defensive Tactics Instructor TrainingCorrectional Entrance Level AcademyCrisis De-Escalation (CDT) Train-the-TrainerCrisis Management & Response in the WorkplaceCritical Employee Emergency Planning (CEEP)CTU - Correctional Entrance 14 DayCTU - Supplemental Support Staff In-ServiceCurrent Trends XIV: Present Day ConcernsCurrent Trends XV: What's Happening Now 2020Current Trends XVICurrent Trends XVIIData Driven Approaches to Crime & Traffic SafetyDeadly Encounters: Case Study J.A. WrotenDeadly Force Application Train. for Firearm InstructorDeath Investigation (3-Day)Defensive Tactics Instructor (6-Day Course)Defensive Tactics Instructor Course (10-Day)Defensive Tactics Instructor Review & Refresher (Day 1)Defensive Tactics Instructor Review & Refresher (Day 2)Developing & Using Effective Interview & Interrogation DNA SummitDNR-Heartsaver CPR/AEDDomestic Violence Instructor Training (5)Domestic Violence Instructor Training 10DPP- 2025 In-Service ProgramDPP- Academy (Bulk Registration)DPP- Agent AcademyDPP- Basic Defensive TacticsDPP- BI Equipment TrainingDPP- Bleeding Control BasicsDPP- Bridging the Generational GapDPP- Bulk RegistrationDPP- Case Management of the Mentally Ill OffenderDPP- Chapter 7: Earned Compliance Credits (ECC) (AM)DPP- Chapter 7: Earned Compliance Credits (ECC) (PM)DPP- Collections & AccountingDPP- Collections & RestitutionsDPP- Communication Skills & Interpersonal InteractionDPP- Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult PeopleDPP- Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in WorkplaceDPP- Court Preparation & Testifying DPP- CPRDPP- CPR/First AidDPP- Criminal History Verification (1-day)DPP- Criminal History Verification (2-day)DPP- Customer ServiceDPP- Customer Service FundamentalsDPP- Dashboard & MappingDPP- Defensive Tactics RefresherDPP- Dialogue Circles Apprenticeship TrainingDPP- Domestic ViolenceDPP- Domestic Violence Update (AM)DPP- Domestic Violence Update (PM)DPP- DPSCS Discipline and GrievancesDPP- DPSCS Performance EvaluationsDPP- Effective Interviewing & Service PlanningDPP- Effective Strategies for Supervising EmployeesDPP- Emotional IntelligenceDPP- Fines, Cost & Restitution (Full Day)DPP- Fines, Cost & Restitution (Half Day)DPP- Forget About It! –Managing Stress in Your Life(AM)DPP- Forget About It! –Managing Stress in Your Life(PM)DPP- Fraternization & ManipulationDPP- Gang Awareness & STGsDPP- Gangnet User Training (AM)DPP- Gangnet User Training (PM)DPP- GangsDPP- General Issues & Supervision of Child MolestersDPP- Graduated ResponsesDPP- Hepatitis C: The Silent Epidemic (PM)DPP- How Being Trauma-Informed Improves ResponsesDPP- Human Trafficking (AM)DPP- Human Trafficking (PM)DPP- I Feel You... Do You Feel Me?DPP- Ignition InterlockDPP- Intake TrainingDPP- Intimate Partner ViolenceDPP- Intro to Gangs & Strategic Threat GroupsDPP- Intro to MS Outlook Calendar 2010 for SupervisorsDPP- Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010DPP- Introduction to Microsoft Office 2010DPP- Introduction to Microsoft Outlook Calendar 2010DPP- Introduction to Microsoft Word 2010DPP- JRA RefresherDPP- Justice Reinvestment Act (JRA) Roll-Out (2-day)DPP- Lethality Assessment & Domestic ViolenceDPP- Lethality Assessment ProgramDPP- Long Term Impact of Childhood Trauma-Adult OffnderDPP- LSI-R (2 Day)DPP- LSI-R RefresherDPP- Managing Across GenerationsDPP- Mandatory In-Service 2019 (Full Day)DPP- Mandatory In-Service 2019 (Half Day)DPP- Mapping Program (AM)DPP- Mapping Program (PM)DPP- Maryland Network Against Domestic ViolenceDPP- MCCPI 2 Day TrainingDPP- Mental Health First Aid (1 Day)DPP- Mental Health First Aid (2 Day)DPP- Monitor AcademyDPP- Motivational InterviewingDPP- MS Office 2010 IntroductionDPP- Narcotics IdentificationDPP- NCIC/Meters CN5DPP- Neurobiology of TraumaDPP- OCMS for Supervisors (1/2 Day)DPP- OCMS for Supervisors (Full Day)DPP- OCMS Training (1/2 Day)DPP- OCMS Training (Full Day)DPP- Office Safety & Home ContactsDPP- Performance Evaluation Planning (PEP) Process (AM)DPP- Performance Evaulation Planning (PEP) Process (PM)DPP- Planning and Preparing for Home/Field VisitsDPP- Planning for Promotion to 1st Line Sprvsr: Phase IDPP- Planning for Promotion to 1st Line Sprvsr:Phase IIDPP- Positive PsychologyDPP- Post Conviction Sex Offender PolygraphDPP- Principles of Effective Intervention & Case MgmntDPP- Redwood Toxicology Lab - FULL LectureDPP- Redwood Toxicology Lab - REFRESHERDPP- Reunification & Intra-Familial Child Maltreatment DPP- SafeASISTDPP- SafeTALK Alertness TrainingDPP- Sentencing Guidelines WorksheetDPP- Sex Offender Registration Law (AM)DPP- Sex Offender Registration Laws (PM)DPP- Sexual Harassment (AM)DPP- Sexual Harassment (PM)DPP- Situational Awareness for DPP PersonnelDPP- Social Media: What's Your Image? (AM)DPP- Social Media: What's Your Image? (PM)DPP- Staff Safety In and Around the OfficeDPP- STOP Serving the Transgender Offender Prof DPP- STOP Serving Transgender Offndr Prof (AM)DPP- STOP Serving Transgender Offndr Prof (PM)DPP- Stress Management: The Attitude Day SpaDPP- Supervision of Internet Sex Offenders DPP- Supervisor I TrainingDPP- Supervisor TrainingDPP- Teamwork: Cultivating Your SkillsDPP- Teamwork: Will You Be Picked LastDPP- Testifying SkillsDPP- The 1st 60: Female Offndrs Post-Incarceration (AM)DPP- The 1st 60: Female Offndrs Post-Incarceration (PM)DPP- The Dangerous Powers of the E PersonalityDPP- The Family of Addiction/AlcoholismDPP- The Graying of HIV/AIDSDPP- The Low Down on the Down Low (PM)DPP- The Reading RainbowDPP- The Role of the SupervisorDPP- The Wow Effect - Drugs We Use & AbuseDPP- Time Mngmnt: Getting Most Out of Your DayDPP- Traumatic Brain Injury & the CJ SystemDPP- Understanding Dvlpmntl/Intellectual DisabilitiesDPP- Understanding MD Inmates' Early Release CreditsDPP- Wellness at Work (AM)DPP- Wellness at Work (PM)DPP- What If An Accident Occurs? (IWIF)DPP- What Makes Us Who We AreDPP- What's Old is New Again - Designer DrugsDPP- Where Our Habits May Take UsDPP- Workplace BullyingDPP- Workplace Bullying (Webinar)DPSCS Firearms Instructor SchoolDPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Administrators)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Front Line)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Part 2 - Supervisors)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Supervisors)DPSCS Leadership Summit (5-Day)DPSCS Majors and Captains Summit (2-day)DPSCS Majors and Captains Summit – PLUS (2-day)Drug Law Enforcement Training ProgramDrug Overview 2018DTF- Emergency Vehicle Operations In-Service (2 Days)DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (7 day)DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Platform & AcclimationDTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)DTF- Entry Level Traffic Stops/ Balto. City DTF- EVOC In-Service (1 Day)DTF- EVOC In-Service (2 Day)DTF-zAccident Avoidance CourseDTF-zDefensive Driving CourseDTF-zEmergency Response Course-2 DayDTF-zEntry Level EVO Course/ Balt. Co.DTF-zEntry Level EVO/ Balto CityDTF-zEntry Level EVO/ MSPDTF-zEntry Level EVOC (6 Day)DTF-zEntry Level Traffic Stops (5 Day)DTF-zEntry Level Vehicle OperationsDTF-zEVO Course/ Harford Co. SheriffDTF-zEVO In-Service 2-Days - MSPDTF-zEVO In-Service 2day Balto. Co.DTF-zEVO In-Service Allied Agency DTF-zEVO Instructor CourseDTF-zEVO Instructor Course-MSPDTF-zEVO Instructor School-Baltimore CityDTF-zIn-Service 3 day Balto. CoDTF-zIn-Service 3dayDTF-zMiscellaneous EVOC In-Service 2 dayDTF-zMotors Instructor School-MSPDTF-zPursuit Policy WorkshopDTF-zVehicle Skills EnhancementDTF-zVO Instructor Course / D.O.CDUI Enforcement & DUI PosseE-Learning Program Pilot (Drug Endangered Children)Edge Weapon Defense CourseeIMS TrainingElectronic Media & InvestigationsElectronic Media Basic Investigation CourseEmergency Response to Domestic Biological IncidentsEnhanced Fire Safety Officer Basic Training ProgramEvery Officer is a Leader - Executive TrainingEvery Officer is a Leader - Line Officer TrainingEvery Officer is a Leader - Train the TrainerEyewitness Identification ProceduresFacebook & Social MediaFBI Active Shooter ConferenceFentanyl/Drug IDField Force Command & Planning (FFC)Field Force Operations (FFO)Field Training & Evaluation ProgramField Training Officer RefresherFire Safety Officer TrainingFirst Aid (Standard)First Responder NegotiationsFLETC Leadership for Women in Law EnforcementForce Science: Advanced Instructional MethodsFraudulent Documents TrainingFTF Berwyn Heights-half dayFTF-A G's Office TrainingFTF-Annapolis PDFTF-Annapolis PD-half dayFTF-Anne Arundel Co Detention CenterFTF-Anne Arundel Co Detention Center-Half DayFTF-AR15/M4 Armorer SchoolFTF-Baltimore City PD-E&T FTF-Baltimore City PD-E&T-Half DayFTF-Baltimore City PD-E&T-Type 3 SchoolFTF-Baltimore City PD-SWATFTF-Baltimore City PD-SWAT-Half DayFTF-Baltimore City School PoliceFTF-Baltimore City School Police-half dayFTF-Baltimore City SheriffFTF-Baltimore City Sheriff - Instructor SchoolFTF-Baltimore City Sheriff-half dayFTF-Baltimore Co Department of CorrectionsFTF-Baltimore Co Department of Corrections-half dayFTF-Baltimore Co PDFTF-Baltimore Co PD - LEOSAFTF-Baltimore Co PD-Half DayFTF-Baltimore Co PD-Narcotics Unit - MILOFTF-Baltimore Co PD-Weapon ConversionFTF-Baltimore Co SheriffFTF-Baltimore Co Sheriff-Half DayFTF-Baltimore Enviornmental PoliceFTF-Berwyn Heights PDFTF-Berwyn Heights PD-half dayFTF-Bladensburg PDFTF-Bladensburg PD-half dayFTF-Bladensburg PD-requal from shootingFTF-Bowie PD-Rifle QualificationFTF-BWI Pest Control Initial TrainingFTF-BWI Pest Control Inservice TrainingFTF-Caroline Co Detention CenterFTF-Caroline Co Detention Center-half dayFTF-Carroll Co Detention CenterFTF-Carroll Co Detention Center-half dayFTF-Carroll Co Sherif-Court Security-Half DayFTF-Carroll Co SheriffFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-AR-15 Weapon TestingFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Court SecurityFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-ELT SchoolFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-ELT-Hampstead PDFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-half dayFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Laterial ProgramFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-LEOSAFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Type 3 QualsFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Type 3 SchoolFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Weapon DemoFTF-Cheverly PDFTF-Cheverly PD-Half DayFTF-Cheverly PD-RifleFTF-COLT Armorer SchoolFTF-COMAR MeetingFTF-Coppin State PDFTF-Coppin State PD-half dayFTF-Demo-Ballistic Vest-KDH,IncFTF-Demo-Defenzia - Less Lethal EquipmentFTF-Demo-Novonic Corp-Judgmental TrainerFTF-DOC Warden Round TableFTF-DOC Weapon TransitionFTF-DOC Weapon Transition-RemedialFTF-DOC-Home Detention UnitFTF-DOC-Home Detention Unit-half dayFTF-DOC-Home Detention Unit-MILO OrientationFTF-Dorchester Co Sheriff - Remedial ShooterFTF-DPSCS - D.O.C.FTF-DPSCS - IIDFTF-DPSCS - IID - Half DayFTF-DPSCS - SOGFTF-DPSCS - SOG - Half DayFTF-DPSCS - Staff - LEOSAFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Court SecurityFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co DetentionFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Detention-Half dayFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co SheriffFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Sheriff-Class 1FTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Sheriff-Class 2FTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Sheriff-Class 2-RefresherFTF-E L T Firearms-Hampstead PDFTF-E L T Firearms-M S P Class 144FTF-E L T Firearms-M S P-Firearms MarksmanshipFTF-E L T Firearms-M S P-Judgmental TrainingFTF-E L T Firearms-M S P-Remedial TrainingFTF-E L T Firearms-Md N R PFTF-E L T Firearms-Md N R P - Night FireFTF-E L T Firearms-Md N R P - RefresherFTF-E L T Firearms-Md N R P - RemedialFTF-E L T Firearms-MdTA FTF-E L T Firearms-MdTA -RemedialFTF-E L T Firearms-MdTA-Night FireFTF-E L T Firearms-P G Municipal AcademyFTF-E L T Firearms-P G Municipal Academy-RemedialFTF-E L T Firearms-PELTFTF-E L T Firearms-PELT-Remedial ProgramFTF-E L T Firearms-Tanneytown PDFTF-E L T Firearms-University of MD - College ParkFTF-E L T Firearms-Westminster PDFTF-E L T Training-PELT-Active ShooterFTF-E L T Training-PELT-Traffic StopsFTF-Edmonston PDFTF-Edmonston PD-half dayFTF-Federal user-Amtrack PDFTF-Federal user-Amtrack PD-half dayFTF-Federal user-Amtrak-Night FireFTF-Federal user-D C I SFTF-Federal user-D C I S-half dayFTF-Federal user-D O J - Dave MooreFTF-Federal user-D O J-Dave Moore-half dayFTF-Federal user-DHS / HSI - BaltimoreFTF-Federal user-DHS / ICE / ERO-half dayFTF-Federal user-F D A - OCIFTF-Federal user-F D A - OCI-half dayFTF-Federal user-Fed Housing Finance Agency (OIG)FTF-Federal user-Fed Housing Finance Agency-half dayFTF-Federal user-Fed Protection I C EFTF-Federal user-Fed Protection I C E-half daFTF-Federal user-Federal Protective ServiceFTF-Federal user-Ft. Detrick PoliceFTF-Federal user-Ft. Detrick Police-half dayFTF-Federal user-Nat Institute Health-half daFTF-Federal user-National Institute of HealthFTF-Federal user-National Security AgencyFTF-Federal user-National Security Agency-half dayFTF-Federal user-NIH-Weapon ConversionFTF-Federal user-Social SecurityFTF-Federal user-Social Security-half dayFTF-Federal user-TIGTA-BeltsvilleFTF-Federal user-TIGTA-Beltsville-half dayFTF-Federal user-U S S S-BeltsvilleFTF-Federal user-U S S S-Beltsville-half dayFTF-Federal user-U.S. Security & Exchange Com-half dayFTF-Federal user-U.S. Security & Exchange CommissionFTF-Federal user-US Dept Gen Service-Half dayFTF-Federal user-US Dept General Services FTF-Federal user-US Probation,Balt officFTF-Federal user-US Probation,Balt-half dayFTF-Federal user-US Probation,DC officeFTF-Federal user-US Probation,DC-half dayFTF-Firearms Instructor SchoolFTF-Firearms Instructor School-Make upFTF-Firearms Instructor School-RemedialFTF-Firearms Instructor School-Student Re-shootFTF-GLOCK Armorer SchoolFTF-Glock Pistol ArmorerFTF-Greenbelt PDFTF-Greenbelt PD-half dayFTF-Hagerstown Community College PD - In-serviceFTF-Hampstead PDFTF-Hampstead PD-half DayFTF-Handgun Permit Training-DPSCS StaffFTF-Howard County DOCFTF-Howard County PoliceFTF-Howard County SheriffFTF-Hyattsville PDFTF-Hyattsville PD-half dayFTF-Hyattsville PD-LEOSAFTF-Instructor RequalificationFTF-Laurel PDFTF-Laurel PD-half dayFTF-Legal Adviser Training FTF-LEOSA-AMFTF-LEOSA-DPSCS Executive StaffFTF-LEOSA-Exelon CorpFTF-LEOSA-MPCTC StaffFTF-LEOSA-PMFTF-LEOSA-Ravens SecurityFTF-Mass Transit Administration PDFTF-Mass Transit Administration PD-half dayFTF-Mass Transit Administration PD-Remedial TrainingFTF-MD Charities GiftFTF-Md. Capitol PDDept. of General Services PD-half dayFTF-Md. Capitol Police-Dept. of General Services PDFTF-Md. Comptroller - Field EnforcementFTF-Md. Comptroller - Field Enforcement-Half DayFTF-Md. Dept Labor, Licensing & RegulationsFTF-Md. Dept Labor, Licensing & Regulations - half dayFTF-Md. Dept Labor, Licensing & Regulations - RemedialFTF-Md. Fire Marshall OfficeFTF-Md. Fire Marshall Office-half dayFTF-Md. Natural Resources PDFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD- ELT ProgramFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Half day FTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Instructor MeetingFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Instructor SchoolFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Instructor School-RemedialFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Instructor ShootFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Lateral ELT ProgramFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-LEOSAFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-MILO OrientationFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Type 3 Rifle SchoolFTF-Md. P & P - Warrant UnitFTF-Md. P & P - Warrant Unit-half dayFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Entry Level TrngFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-EVOC-half dayFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-half dayFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Instructor QualificFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Instructor SchoolFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-InterviewsFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Lateral ProgramFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-LEOSAFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Meeting-Atlantic TaFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Off Duty WeaponsFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Officer RehireFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-RemedialFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Rifle QualsFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Staff ShootFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-SWATFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-SWAT-half day FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Type 3 SchoolFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Weapon TeFTF-Meeting-Bullet Trap-Handgun Ranges CleaningFTF-Meeting-D G S & MDE - Rifle RangeFTF-Meeting-D G S-Rifle Range ProgressFTF-Meeting-D G S-Rifle Range Substantial CompletionFTF-Meeting-D G S-Rifle Range-Pre ConFTF-Meeting-Mr. Bezanson & MSP K-9FTF-Meeting-S B L P Training - PELT 22FTF-MNCPP - Montgomery DivFTF-MNCPP - Montgomery Div-half dayFTF-MNCPP - Montgomery Div-Rifle SchoolFTF-MNCPP - Prince George's DivFTF-MNCPP - Prince George's Div-half dayFTF-Morgan State UniversityFTF-Morgan State University-Half DayFTF-Mount Airy PDFTF-Mount Airy PD-half dayFTF-MPCTC-Active ShooterFTF-MPCTC-Active Shooter - PELTFTF-MPCTC-Judgmental Training - PELTFTF-MPCTC-Supervisor SchoolFTF-MSPFTF-MSP Cadet TrainingFTF-MSP-ELT-Traffic StopsFTF-MSP-EVOC Instructor meetingFTF-MSP-Makeup-WeaverFTF-MSP-Medics & Johns Hopkins TrainingFTF-MSP-Motors-Tactical TrainingFTF-MSP-Range2000-WeaverFTF-MSP-Requal from shootingFTF-MSP-Return to DutyFTF-MSP-STATE TeamFTF-MSP-STATE Team-PrepFTF-MSP-State's Attorney TrainingFTF-Mt. Rainier PDFTF-Mt. Rainier-Half DayFTF-New Carrollton PDFTF-New Carrollton PD-half dayFTF-Orientation for usersFTF-Orientation for users - MILO simulatorFTF-P G County SheriffFTF-P G County Sheriff-half dayFTF-Range MaintenanceFTF-Range Maintenance-Lead removalFTF-Range Maintenance-Ranges Back-filledFTF-Red Dot Sights (RDS) Handgun InstructorFTF-Remedial Firearms TrainingFTF-Remington 700 Rifle Armorer SchoolFTF-Remington 870 Shotgun ArmorerFTF-Revolver Conversion (2-day)FTF-Rockville PD-E L T ProgramFTF-Roxbury Institute - MILO TrainingFTF-Seat Pleasant PDFTF-Seat Pleasant PD-half dayFTF-Sig Sauer Armorer P320FTF-Sig Sauer Armorer SchoolFTF-Signal 13 Training, LLCFTF-Simunition SchoolFTF-Smith & Wesson M & P Armorer CourseFTF-Smith & Wesson M&P 1.0 Pistol Armorer CertificationFTF-Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Pistol Armorer CertificationFTF-Staff ShootFTF-Staff Shoot - Rifle RangeFTF-Staff Training-M I L O Judgmental SystemFTF-Staff Trauma TrainingFTF-Sykesville PDFTF-Sykesville-Half DayFTF-Takoma Park PDFTF-Takoma Park PD-half dayFTF-Taneytown PDFTF-Taneytown PD-half dayFTF-Taser Demo & TrainingFTF-TEST! TEST! Entrance Level Program-HandgunFTF-Tour- Intl. Law Enforcement GroupFTF-Tour-Job CorpsFTF-Tour-Md. Dept of Natural Resources PDFTF-Training Program TrainingFTF-Type 1 & 2 Rifle SchoolFTF-Type 1 & 2 Rifle School-10 dayFTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolFTF-University of Baltimore PDFTF-University of Baltimore PD - Half DayFTF-University of Baltimore PD - Rifle ProgramFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore CityFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore City-half dayFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore City-Rifle Pr FTF-University of Md.-Baltimore CoFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore Co-half dayFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore Co-LEOSAFTF-University of Md.-College ParkFTF-University of Md.-College Park-half dayFTF-University of Md.-College Park-WastlerFTF-University of Towson PDFTF-University of Towson PD-half dayFTF-University Park PDFTF-University Park PD-Half DayFTF-User MeetingFTF-Warden Handgun Permit TrainingFTF-Washington Suburban Sanitary CommFTF-Washington Suburban Sanitary Comm-half daFTF-Westminster PDFTF-Westminster PD-half dayFundamentals of Criminal InvestigationGang Instructor T4TGang Resistance Education & Training (GREAT)Handgun DefenseHeartsaver AEDHomegrown Violent ExtremismHomemade ExplosivesIED Awareness and SafetyImplicit-Bias Awareness Training for DPSCS (2023)Incident Command System (ICS) Forms ReviewIncident Management/ Unified CommandIncident Response to Terrorist Bombing (IRTB)Inside the Mexican Drug CartelsInstructor and Lesson Plan Development (8-day)Instructor TrainingIntellectual & Developmental Disabilities T4TIntelligence Awareness for L.E. Executives (IALEETP)Intro to CAMEO Suite T4T – 4 DayIntro to Cult, Occult and Ritual CrimeIntroduction to Excel 2010Introduction to ExplosivesIntroduction to Fraud InvestigationsIntroduction to MS WordIntroduction to WorkDay Timekeeping for Supervisors Islam in Focus: Cultural Comp to Combating ExtremismL.E. Emergency Medical Care (LEEMCC) Instructor TrngLaw Enforc. Prevention & Deterrence of Terrorist ActsLaw Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency ResponseLaw Enforcement Active Shooter Response (T4T)Law Enforcement Prevention & Deter Terrorist Acts T4TLaw Enforcement Protective MeasuresLDI- AccountabilityLDI- Addressing and Managing ConflictLDI- Adjudication of Misconduct Cases-CorrectionsLDI- Adjudication of Misconduct Cases-PoliceLDI- Administrative Excellence ProgramLDI- Advanced Problem Solving & NegotiationsLDI- Applying Myers Briggs in the WorkplaceLDI- Assertiveness in the WorkplaceLDI- Bulk RegistrationLDI- Candid Conversations about RaceLDI- Career DevelopmentLDI- Career Development:Transitioning Beyond RetirementLDI- Career Wellness for Public Safety ProfessionalsLDI- Challenging Our Implicit BiasLDI- Civilian Supervisor TrainingLDI- Coaching & Mentoring a Successful WorkforceLDI- Coaching for Enhanced Performance LDI- COBR Hearing Board TrainingLDI- Collaborative Outcomes: Teams & TeamworkLDI- Communication Skills and Interpersonal InteractionLDI- Crisis & Issue ManagementLDI- Crisis Intervention Team - Train the TrainerLDI- Crisis Management & Response in the WorkplaceLDI- Customer ServiceLDI- Dealing with Difficult EmployeesLDI- Delegating Down the Chain of CommandLDI- Deputy Director ProgramLDI- Diet and NutritionLDI- Dimensions of DiversityLDI- DiSC for Improved Communication & CollaborationLDI- Disciplinary Techniques for Women in ManagementLDI- Diversity and Cultural Awareness SensitivityLDI- Documentation & DisciplineLDI- DPSCS Supervisor AcademyLDI- EEO and ADA for Managers and SupervisorsLDI- EEO Training - Train the Trainer CourseLDI- Effective Business WritingLDI- Effective Comm Skills in a Leadership RoleLDI- Effective CommunicationsLDI- Effective LeadershipLDI- Effective Negotiation SkillsLDI- Emotional IntelligenceLDI- Emotional Intelligence (Virtual)LDI- Emotional Intelligence for LeadershipLDI- Employee Engagement & MotivationLDI- Empowerment for Women in LeadershipLDI- Empowerment: Inspiring Critical ThinkingLDI- Empowerment: Inspiring Critical Thinking (Virtual)LDI- Ethics & AccountabilityLDI- Ethics and Integrity LDI- Evaluating Employee PerformanceLDI- Excel 2016 IntermediateLDI- Excel 2016 IntroductoryLDI- Executive Leadership SeminarsLDI- First Line Administrator TrainingLDI- First Line Supervisor TrainingLDI- For Police Managers: Solving Comm. Crime ProblemsLDI- Foundations of LeadershipLDI- Foundations of Leadership Phase ILDI- Foundations of Leadership Phase IILDI- Foundations of Leadership Phase IIILDI- Fundamentals of Supervision & ManagementLDI- Getting Ideas AcrossLDI- Goal Setting for Managers: An IntroductionLDI- Grant WritingLDI- Holistic HealthLDI- Insight into Corr. Culture: Situ. LeadershipLDI- Internal Investigations- CorrectionsLDI- Internal Investigations- PoliceLDI- Interview & InterrogationLDI- Interview Techniques for Hiring, Coaching & MngmntLDI- Laws & Cases Could Change the Way You Supervise LDI- LeadershipLDI- Leadership & Management Skills for WomenLDI- Leadership and Strategic ThinkingLDI- Leadership Challenge RetreatLDI- Leadership Challenge SessionLDI- Leadership Ethics & Major Case ManagementLDI- Leadership in Police Organizations (LPO)LDI- Leadership InstituteLDI- Leading High Performing TeamsLDI- Leading High Performing Teams (Virtual)LDI- LEEDA's Executive Leadership InstituteLDI- LEEOPLDI- Legal Contemporary Issues (Supervisors)LDI- LEOBRLDI- LEOBR for Hearing Board MembersLDI- LEOBR for Investigators (1-day)LDI- Lifetime Fitness and WellnessLDI- Line of Duty DeathsLDI- Local Executives ProgramLDI- Making Effective PresentationsLDI- Managing Across GenerationsLDI- Managing and Multi-TaskingLDI- Managing ChangeLDI- Managing Conflict and ConfrontationLDI- Managing Conflict and Confrontation (Virtual)LDI- Managing Conflicts at WorkLDI- Managing Conflicts in the WorkplaceLDI- Managing Crisis in the WorkplaceLDI- Managing Critical IncidentsLDI- Managing Emotions Under PressureLDI- Managing Generation YLDI- Managing in a Male Dominated EnvironmentLDI- Managing Multiple GenerationsLDI- Managing Multiple PrioritiesLDI- Managing Multiple Priorities (Virtual)LDI- Managing Organizational ChangeLDI- Managing Protected ClassesLDI- Managing the Marginal EmployeeLDI- Mental Health Crisis Intervention Training OvervieLDI- Mental Health First AidLDI- Mentoring for SuccessLDI- Mentoring vs. CoachingLDI- Mnger's Guide Interview & Interrogate JuvenilesLDI- Movement for Mind, Body and MaintenanceLDI- MSA Executive RetreatLDI- Multi-Cultural SensitivityLDI- Negotiation for LeadersLDI- NSA ProgramLDI- NWSPSC - RegistrationLDI- Partnering for PerformanceLDI- Patrol Allocation & Workload AnalysisLDI- Patrol Workload Analysis & Resource AllocationLDI- Performance EvaluationLDI- Performance Management: Approach to Employee DevLDI- Performance Management: Employee DevelopmentLDI- POLEXLDI- Police Chiefs & Sheriffs RoundtableLDI- PowerPoint 2016 Advanced LDI- Practical Management in Public SafetyLDI- Preparing to Assume a Management PositionLDI- Preventing Racial Profiling by P/S ProfessionalsLDI- Preventing Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceLDI- Progressive DisciplineLDI- Progressive Discipline for Problem EmployeesLDI- Project ManagementLDI- Reducing Stress for Leaders in Public SafetyLDI- Remote Work & CommunicationLDI- Report WritingLDI- Role of a SupervisorLDI- Self-Assessment/Self Awareness in the WorkplaceLDI- Servant Leadership & Equitable Decision MakingLDI- Social Media: Benefits, Uses & ImplicationsLDI- Special Police Officer (SPO) Instructor TrainingLDI- Spy Games: Decode Personality TypesLDI- Staff Ride Leadership Lessons from AntietamLDI- State AW SC FA ProgramLDI- State Wardens ProgramLDI- Strategic CommunicationLDI- Strategic PlanningLDI- Strategic Planning for ManagersLDI- Strengthening Communication for Effect LeadershipLDI- Strengthening Your Supervisory SkillsLDI- Strengthening Your Supervisory Skills (Virtual)LDI- Stress Management: The Attitude Day SpaLDI- Successfully Transitioning to ManagementLDI- Supervisor's Role in Critical IncidentsLDI- Supervisory LiabilitiesLDI- Team DevelopmentLDI- Techniques of Effective CoachingLDI- The Leadership SchoolLDI- Transitioning from Officer to SupervisorLDI- TRUE Leadership: Valuable Lessons (1-day)LDI- TRUE Leadership: Valuable Lessons (2-day)LDI- When Leaders are Forced to ManageLDI- Women's Leadership & Management SkillsLDI- Working Effectively w/ Subordinates & SupervisorsLDI- Workplace ViolenceLDI- Workplace Violence in a Law Enforc EnvironmentLDI- Written Communication Skills for LeadersLDI-Assertiveness Training for ManagersLDI-Avoiding the Pitfalls of SupervisionLDI-Being a Supervisor & Building a TeamLDI-Blended Correctional Leadership DevelopmentLDI-Coaching & CounselingLDI-Coaching & Counseling EmployeesLDI-Coaching & Counseling for the Female SupervisorLDI-Coaching & Counseling for Women SupervisorsLDI-Coaching for High PerformanceLDI-Collaborative Leadership in Homeland SecurityLDI-Communicating with ConfidenceLDI-Conducting Internal Investigations-Law EnforcementLDI-Conflict ManagementLDI-Creative Problem Solving for LeadersLDI-Crime & Mgmt. Analysis & Eval. for Police ManagersLeadership Presentation: Jack EnterLeadership Presentation: Resiliency & TraumaLesson Plan DevelopmentLesson Plan WorkshopLETU-Radar/Lidar Instructor School - T4TLETU-Threat & Risk AssessmentMail Handling Safety TrainingManaging Death InvestigationsMCCPI-2-Day Commercial Crime Prevention TrainingMCCPI-2-Day Residential TrainingMCCPI-A Day of Crime Prevention at PG CountyMCCPI-A Day of Crime Prevention Training at Towson UMCCPI-A Day on the INLETS: Terrorism FinancesMCCPI-Active Shooter / TerrorismMCCPI-Advanced Crime Prevention CourseMCCPI-Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other DrugsMCCPI-Auto TheftMCCPI-BullyingMCCPI-Bullying and GangsMCCPI-Bullying and Internet SafetyMCCPI-Bullying and Personal SafetyMCCPI-Bullying/CyberbullyingMCCPI-Bullying/Domestic Violence/HarrassmentMCCPI-Burglary PreventionMCCPI-Campus Crime PreventionMCCPI-Collaboration for Senior LivingMCCPI-Columbine To Columbia SeminarMCCPI-Commercial Crime Prevention TrainingMCCPI-Community Gang AwarenessMCCPI-Community Gang Awareness IIMCCPI-Community Gang Awareness Training of TrainersMCCPI-Community Policing / Social Media MCCPI-Community Policing&Crime Prevention TodayMCCPI-Conflict ResolutionMCCPI-Crime Prevention 102 Beyond the BasicsMCCPI-Crime Prevention 2018MCCPI-Crime Prevention at Deep Creek 2017MCCPI-Crime Prevention at Summer CampsMCCPI-Crime Prevention for Police RecruitsMCCPI-Crime Prevention for the Chinese DelegationMCCPI-Crime Prevention PELTPMCCPI-Crime Prevention Training for PGCPS SecurityMCCPI-Crime Prevention Trg. for PG. CO School Security MCCPI-Crime Prevention/DARE Career Info. for YouthMCCPI-CrimePrev. for Educators of SpecialNeeds ChildrenMCCPI-Current Drug TrendsMCCPI-Current Trends 2016 Special Western EditionMCCPI-Current Trends in North AreaMCCPI-Current Trends IX: Keeping It CurrentMCCPI-Current Trends X:A Decade of CrimePrevention HitsMCCPI-Current Trends XI: For You, The OfficersMCCPI-Current Trends XII: 12 Years of Crime PreventionMCCPI-Current Trends XIII: As You RequestedMCCPI-Cyber SecurityMCCPI-CyberbullyingMCCPI-Cyberbullying/SextingMCCPI-CybersafetyMCCPI-Cybersafety/SextingMCCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training ConferenceMCCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2019MCCPI-DARE Bullying CurriculumMCCPI-DARE Bullying, Cyberbullying, Internet SafetyMCCPI-DARE Bullying/Cyberbullying/GangsMCCPI-DARE Bullying/Gangs/Internet Safety/RX/OTCMCCPI-DARE Elementary Keepin' It Real UpdateMCCPI-DARE Elementary School CurriculumMCCPI-DARE Facilitation and You/Keepin' It REALMCCPI-DARE K-4 SafetyMCCPI-DARE Keepin' It Real Elementary Curric. Update MCCPI-DARE Mentor Training (Out of State)MCCPI-DARE Middle School CurriculumMCCPI-DARE Officer RecertificationMCCPI-DARE Officer Training (Out of state)MCCPI-DARE OverviewMCCPI-DARE Prescription OTC Drug AbuseMCCPI-DARE-Curriculum Update: Keepin' It REALMCCPI-Day of Crime PreventionMCCPI-Death NotificationMCCPI-Death Notification / Homeland SecurityMCCPI-Decision Making and DrugsMCCPI-Deep Creek 6 Crime Prevention 2018MCCPI-Domestic ViolenceMCCPI-Domestic Violence/Drug AbuseMCCPI-Drug & Violence Awareness Expo.MCCPI-Drug Awareness SymposiumMCCPI-Drug PresentationMCCPI-Drugs of AbuseMCCPI-DUI AwarenessMCCPI-DUI Prevention and AwarenessMCCPI-Duties of Law Enforcement OfficersMCCPI-Facilitation SkillsMCCPI-Financial ExploitationMCCPI-Fraud RoundtableMCCPI-Frauds and ScamsMCCPI-Friend of Law Enforcement Assoc.MCCPI-Gang Awareness and PreventionMCCPI-Gang Awareness Training for Hospital SecurityMCCPI-Gang Awareness Training for ParentsMCCPI-Gang Awareness Training for School StaffMCCPI-Gang Culture and Information TechnologyMCCPI-Gang Culture and Our SchoolsMCCPI-Gang IndicatorsMCCPI-Gangs & Social MediaMCCPI-Gulf Coast Inlets - 2015MCCPI-Health Fair for Adults and ChildrenMCCPI-Health Fair for SeniorsMCCPI-Healthy Living Information BoothMCCPI-Holiday SafetyMCCPI-Home Security and Frauds and ScamsMCCPI-Homeland Sec.,Sexting, Electronic Dating ViolenceMCCPI-Homeland SecurityMCCPI-Homeland Security and GangsMCCPI-Human TraffickingMCCPI-Human Trafficking: Awareness, Invest. & Victimiz.MCCPI-Human Trafficking:Working to End Sex for SaleMCCPI-Identity TheftMCCPI-Impact of AlcoholMCCPI-Impact of Alcohol/DUI PresentationMCCPI-INLETS TrainingMCCPI-Internet Based Investigations&Prev. TechniquesMCCPI-Internet Predators/Human TraffickingMCCPI-Internet SafetyMCCPI-Internet Safety/Bullying/CyberbullyingMCCPI-Introduction to MCCPI MCCPI-Investiga/Prosecut.VulnerableAdultAbuseCasesMCCPI-Investiga/Prosecut.VulnerableAdultAbuseCases (PM)MCCPI-Juvenile Gang CultureMCCPI-Juvenile Gang Trends and Best PracticesMCCPI-Juveniles, Crime, and Justice in the U.S.MCCPI-Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice in AmericaMCCPI-Male Mentoring ProgramMCCPI-Managing the Aftermath of Crisis MCCPI-MCCPI Programs and Workplace ViolenceMCCPI-MCPA ConferenceMCCPI-MCPA Influence of Social Media; Homeland SecurityMCCPI-Mediation and Conflict Problem SolvingMCCPI-Methamphetamine Awareness& Personal Safety (AM)MCCPI-Methamphetamine Awareness&Personal Safety (PM)MCCPI-Neighborhood Watch and Personal SafetyMCCPI-Neighborhood Watch Toolkit TrainingMCCPI-New MCCPI 2 Day Residential TrainingMCCPI-Officer Safety Western RegionMCCPI-Outlaw Motorcycle GangsMCCPI-Partnerships and Problem SolvingMCCPI-Personal SafetyMCCPI-Personal Safety/Home SecurityMCCPI-Personal Safety/Personal DefenseMCCPI-Personal Safety/Workplace ViolenceMCCPI-Prescription/OTC MCCPI-Prescription/OTC Drugs,Bullying,Gangs MCCPI-Problem SolvingMCCPI-PSTMCCPI-Residential Crime Prevention TrainingMCCPI-Risk ManagementMCCPI-RX/OTC for SeniorsMCCPI-Safety for ChildrenMCCPI-Safety for Children/Drug PreventionMCCPI-Say No Youth ProgramMCCPI-School Based Policing TrainingMCCPI-Self Esteem for YouthMCCPI-Seniors SafetyMCCPI-Seniors with Mental IllnessMCCPI-Sex.Predators on Int/Cyberbully/GangAwarenessMCCPI-SextingMCCPI-Sexual Predators on the InternetMCCPI-Sexual Predators on the Internet/Bullying/SextingMCCPI-Sexual Predators on the Internet/CyberbullyingMCCPI-Social Media / Cyber Safety PresentationMCCPI-Social Media / Human Trafficing / Personal SafetyMCCPI-Social Media,Gangs,Bullying,Sex.Pred. on InternetMCCPI-Southern MD Junior Police AcademyMCCPI-Spring and Summer Crime PreventionMCCPI-Techniques for Effective PresentationsMCCPI-Theft PresentationMCCPI-Tools for Active Learning for AdultsMCCPI-Traditional and Non-Traditional Street GangsMCCPI-TriadMCCPI-Vehicle SafetyMCCPI-Vulnerabilities in Faith Based CommunitiesMCCPI-Winter Crime Prevention TrainingMCCPI-Workplace ViolenceMCCPI-Workplace Violence&Prevention/Gang AwarenessMCCPI-Workplace Violence/Personal SafetyMCCPI-Youth in AmericaMCCPI-Youth Mental HealthMCPI-4 Day Residential & Commercial Crime PreventionMCPI-Bulk RegistrationMCPI-Commercial & Residential Crime Prevention (2-day)MCPI-Community Policing: Improving Efficacy (2-day)MCPI-Community Policing: Improving Efficacy (3-day)MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2020MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2022MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2023MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2024MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2025MCPI-DARE In-Service Training 2021MCPI-DARE Mentor Officer TrainingMCPI-DARE Officer Certification CourseMCPI-McGruff the Crime DogMCPI-Single Officer Response to Active Threats (SORAT)Mental Health First Aid (1-Day)Mental Health First Aid (2-day)Mental Health First Aid (In-Person)Mental Health First Aid (Virtual)Modular Emergency Response Radiological Trans (MERRTT)Motorcycle Enforcement for L.E. OfficersMotorcycle Safety & Enforcement Train the TrainerMPCTC 1-Day In-Service for PoliceNational Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder New Instructor and Lesson Plan Development (OLD)New Training Director/Coordinator OrientationNIC Learning & Performance CoachNorthwestern School of Police Staff & Command 2023O.C. Spray Instructor School (Oleoresin Capsicum)OCMS DisciplineOCMS EventsOCMS Housing, Traffic & TransferOCMS IntakeOCMS ReleaseOCMS Sentence Calculation TrainingOCMS Training for TrainersOfficer-Community Interaction (Virtual Reality)Outlaw Motorcycle Gang TrendsPADDD - Positive Alt to Dangerous & Destructive DrivingPolice & Correctional Expandable Baton Instructor CoursPolice & Correctional OC Spray Instructor CoursePolice Entrance Level TrainingPREA Webinar: Confidentiality, Ethics & the LawPREA: Specialized Training for InvestigatorsPreliminary Breath Testing (PBT) Operator CoursePreparedness & Response to Food & Agri IncidentsPreparing Communities for Agroterrorism T4TPrevention & Response to Suicide Bombing Incident Promoting Positive Interpersonal Communication SkillsPTU-Basic Interview and InterrogationPTU-Enhanced Threat & Risk AssessmentPTU-Initial LE Response to Suicide Bombing AttacksPTU-Patrol Investigations & Transition to Plain ClothePTU-Short Term Drug InvestigationPublic Safety TrainingRADAR/LIDAR Operator CourseSafe Call Now - Information SessionSexual Assault for Patrol OfficersSFST RefresherSFST Train the TrainerSFST-Standardized Field Sobriety Testing NHTSASimulation Model of Action in Response Tactics (SMART)Social Media in Today's WorldSpeaker Series - Good Comes FirstSpeaker Series - It's Your ShipSpeed Monitoring System Program AdministratorsSpirituality, Wellness & Vitality in LE PracticesStarChase GPS Launcher DemoStatement AnalysisStop the BleedTerrorism Financing Seminar for Law Enforcement Terrorism TrainingTerrorist Threat Guideline: LE Planning & ResponseThe Changing Nature of Criminal InvestigationsTraining at the Speed of LifeTraining Coordinators' Update (In-Person)Training Coordinators' Update (Virtual)Understanding I/DD (Intellectual/Developmental Disab)Utilizing Computer-Aided Management of Emrg Op in WMDViolence Against Women: Dating Violence & CollegeViolent Radical Extremism in the Correctional Environ.Weapon RetentionWebinar - Assessment & Case PlanningWebinar - Basic Grammar, Punctuation & StructureWebinar - Bridging the Generational GapsWebinar - Certificates of Completion & RehabilitationWebinar - Civilian Response to Active Shooter (CRASE)Webinar - Collections & AccountingWebinar - Conflict ResolutionWebinar - Dealing with Conflict Verbal De-EscalationWebinar - Domestic Violence and Community SupervisionWebinar - DPP IntakeWebinar - DPSCS Discipline and GrievancesWebinar - DPSCS IWIF and Return to WorkWebinar - DPSCS Performance EvaluationWebinar - Dynamics of Domestic ViolenceWebinar - Earned Compliance CreditsWebinar - Ethics & IntegrityWebinar - Fundamentals of Effective CommunicationsWebinar - Global HarmonizationWebinar - Graduated ResponsesWebinar - Graduated SanctionsWebinar - LSI-R RefresherWebinar - Personal SafetyWebinar - Positive PsychologyWebinar - Professional WritingWebinar - Report Writing for DPPWebinar - Sexual HarassmentWebinar - Social MediaWebinar - State of MD E-Services TrainingWebinar - Stress ManagementWebinar - Time Management & Organizational SkillsWebinar - Trauma Informed Improves CJ SystemWebinar - Workplace BullyingWMD Awareness Level TrainingWMD Radiological/ Nuclear Responder OperationsWMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness (140)WMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness T4TWMD Standardized Awareness AWR-160Workday Basics for DSPCS Supervisors & StaffWorkday Refresher Session for DPSCSWorkday Refresher Training for SupervisorsWriter's Workshop Current Month/Year: March 2024April 2024May 2024June 2024July 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024November 2024December 2024January 2025February 2025March 2025April 2025May 2025June 2025July 2025August 2025September 2025October 2025November 2025December 2025January 2026February 2026 For a list view of our upcoming programs, visit our Training Announcements page. Prior MonthMarch 2025Next Month S M T W T F S 1 2 3Police Entrance Level TrainingFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDCorrectional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- 2025 In-Service ProgramFTF-Hyattsville PD 4Police Entrance Level TrainingCorrectional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- 2025 In-Service ProgramFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-half dayFTF-Staff Shoot - Rifle Range 5Police Entrance Level TrainingCorrectional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- 2025 In-Service ProgramFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDDPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Supervisors)DTF- EVOC In-Service (2 Day)FTF-Hyattsville PDFTF-Baltimore City PD-SWAT 6Police Entrance Level TrainingCorrectional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- 2025 In-Service ProgramDTF- EVOC In-Service (2 Day)FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDFTF-Baltimore City PD-SWAT 7Police Entrance Level TrainingCorrectional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- 2025 In-Service ProgramFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore CityFTF-Federal user-TIGTA-Beltsville-half dayDTF- EVOC In-Service (1 Day)FTF-DPSCS - SOG - Half Day 8 9 10LDI- First Line Supervisor TrainingBasic Instructor Training (5-day)FTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolFTF-Federal user-National Institute of HealthDPSCS Firearms Instructor SchoolFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDDTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day) 11LDI- First Line Supervisor TrainingBasic Instructor Training (5-day)FTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolDPSCS Firearms Instructor SchoolDTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)FTF-Hyattsville PDFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDFTF-Staff Shoot - Rifle RangeDTF- EVOC In-Service (1 Day) 12LDI- First Line Supervisor TrainingBasic Instructor Training (5-day)FTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolDPSCS Firearms Instructor SchoolDTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)FTF-Hyattsville PDFTF-Md. Capitol Police-Dept. of General Services PDDPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Supervisors)FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD 13LDI- First Line Supervisor TrainingBasic Instructor Training (5-day)FTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolDPSCS Firearms Instructor SchoolDTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDFTF-Federal user-National Institute of HealthFTF-Carroll Co SheriffLDI- Managing Organizational Change 14LDI- First Line Supervisor TrainingBasic Instructor Training (5-day)FTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolDPSCS Firearms Instructor SchoolDTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)FTF-Baltimore City PD-SWATFTF-Staff Shoot 15 16 17DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)*Red Dot Sights (RDS) Handgun InstructorField Training & Evaluation ProgramFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD 18DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)*Red Dot Sights (RDS) Handgun InstructorField Training & Evaluation ProgramLDI- Employee Engagement & MotivationFTF-LEOSA-AMFTF-Hyattsville PD-half dayFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-half daySpeaker Series - Good Comes FirstFTF-LEOSA-PM 19DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)*Red Dot Sights (RDS) Handgun InstructorField Training & Evaluation ProgramSpeaker Series - Good Comes FirstDTF- EVOC In-Service (2 Day)FTF-Carroll Co SheriffFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore Co-half dayDPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Supervisors) 20DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)DTF- EVOC In-Service (2 Day)FTF-Taneytown PDFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore CityFTF-LEOSA-PMFTF-LEOSA-AMDTF- EVOC In-Service (1 Day)FTF-Staff ShootFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD 21DTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)FTF-University of Md.-Baltimore City-Rifle Pr FTF-Federal user-US Probation,Balt officFTF-Md. Capitol Police-Dept. of General Services PD 22 23 24Correctional Entrance Level AcademyFTF-DPSCS - SOGLDI- First Line Administrator Training 25Correctional Entrance Level AcademyLDI- First Line Administrator TrainingFTF-LEOSA-PMFTF-LEOSA-AMFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-LEOSADTF- EVOC In-Service (2 Day)FTF-Baltimore City PD-SWATFTF-Baltimore City PD-E&T 26Correctional Entrance Level AcademyLDI- First Line Administrator TrainingDTF- EVOC In-Service (2 Day)FTF-Federal user-Social Security-half dayFTF-Hyattsville PD-half dayFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Rifle QualsFTF-Staff Shoot - Rifle Range 27Correctional Entrance Level AcademyLDI- First Line Administrator TrainingFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Rifle Quals 28Correctional Entrance Level AcademyLDI- First Line Administrator TrainingFTF-Baltimore Co Sheriff-Half DayFTF-Md. Capitol PDDept. of General Services PD-half day 29 30 31LDI- Customer ServiceFTF-Firearms Instructor School
For a list view of our upcoming programs, visit our Training Announcements page.