Unit: ALL UNITSASTCTUDPPDTFFTFLDILEOSAMCCPIPTC Currently Showing: All Classes*#CallForBackup Suicide Awareness & Prevention Seminar*#CalmIsCourageous Web Event*1st Responder Mental Health & Wellness*AC Armorer’s Course*Active Shooter Response Certification (ALICE)*Active Shooter Seminar (Virtual)*Advanced Body-Worn Cameras*Advanced Search & Seizure Series*Advanced Series: Search&Seizure, Traffic & Crim. Invs.*ALERRT (Advanced LE Rapid Response Trng)*ALERRT Active Shooter Level I*Annual MARGIN Gang Training Conference*APCO Communications Training Officer 5th Ed.*AR15/M4 Armorer School*ASP Instructor Certification*Background Investigations for Police Applicants*Basic Call-Takers/Dispatchers Techniques*Basic Gang Awareness*Basic Investigators' Course*Basic Patrol Dog*Basic Police Mountain Bike Certification Course*Basic School Resource Officer (SRO) Course*Basic SWAT and Maritime Operations School*Benelli Nova/Super Nova Armorer Course*Best Practices in Public Safety Pre-Employ Background*Blue to Gold 2023 Free Webinar Schedule*Blue to Gold Advanced Training Series*Boating Law for the MD Marine Police Officer*Body-Worn Cameras: Agency Development & Implementation*Bolt Action Sniper Rifle Armorer School*Building Analytical Capactiy*Cannabis Intoxication Impaired Driving Lab*Cannabis Lab*Carroll County Sheriff's Police Academy*Cellebrite CCO & CCPA for Inseyets*Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiners Course*Characteristics of Armed Persons*Charles Co Sheriff's ARIDE Training*Charles Co Sheriff's Field Training Officer Program*Child Homicide Investigations*Cognitive Interviewing, Communication & Influence*Colt Armorer School for M16/AR15 Rifles*Colt Armorer School for M4/M16/AR15 Rifles*Comparative Compliance @ Prince George’s Mun Acad*Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) Cert. Examiners*Counterterrorism Awareness Webinar*Counterterrorism for Homeland Security Professionals*Counterterrorism for Law Enfrcment & First Responders*CRASE Instructor Update*CRASE Train-the-Trainer*Crime Scene Photography*Criminal Gypsies/Travelers - Crimes Against Maryland*Criminal Interdiction*Criminal Investigations Using Cellular Technologies*Crisis De-Escalation (CDT) at Allegany*Crisis Intervention Training*Critical Incident Debriefs - Lessons Learned*Crossed Arrows Performance Pistol Instructor 3-day*Data Driven Approaches to Crime & Traffic Safety*De-escalation for Veterans in Crisis*Detecting Deception*Dignitary & Executive Protection*Domestic Violence Strangulation Cases*Drone Assessment and Response Tactics*Effective Interview & Interrogation Techniques*Emergency Response Team Basic Operator School*Empowered Policing for Women in Law Enforcement*Ethan Saylor Alliance Police Training & Appreciation*Even Pulse Advanced Handgun for Firearms Instructors*Even Pulse Advncd Handgun Instructor-Remedial*Even Pulse Performance, Resilience for LE*Evidence IQ Lunch & Learn Workshop*EVO In-Service Refresher*Exploitation & Monitoring of Social Media for LE*Exterior Response to Active Shooter Events*Fair & Impartial Policing Train-the-Trainer*False Document Detection for Law Enforcement*FBI First Responder Negotiator*FBI LEEDA Command Leadership Institute*FBI LEEDA Executive Leadership Institute*FBI LEEDA Identity Theft Training Summit*FBI LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute*Fentanyl & Other Deadly Drug Investigations*Firearm Technology and Specialist Training*FLETC Basic Tactical Medical Instructor Program*FLETC Tactical Medical for First Responders*Force on Force Instructor School*Foundations of Intelligence Analysis (FIAT)*Fourth Amendment Search & Seizure*Ghost Guns: The New Threat*Glock Advanced Armorer's (2-day)*Glock Armorer's Course (1-day)*Glock MOS Instructor’s Workshop*Glock Operator Course*Glock Pistol Armorer*Homicide Investigation*Human Sex Trafficking for Law Enforcement*Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention*Human Trafficking for Law Enforcement*Human Trafficking Investigators Seminar*Human Trafficking Training (1-day)*ICISF Baltimore MD Regional Training*Identity Theft Working Group Annual Training*INLETS Webinar: The Path to Radicalization*Instructor Techniques: Non-Lethal Training Ammunition*Integrated Drug and Contraband Interdiction*Intelligence & Investigative Training for COs*Interdiction for the Protection of Children (ESCJA)*Interdiction for the Protection of Children (MSP)*Interview & Interrogation*Interview & Interrogation, Forensic Statements*Interview and Interrogation Techniques*Intro to Hidden Compartments in Motor Vehicles*Intro to Human Dynamics & Conflict Resolution*Investigation and Prosecution of Cold Case Homicides*Investigative Report Writing*IPMBA Police Cyclist Course*K-9 Unit Oversight & Management*Krav Maga Defensive Tactics Instructor Certification*Laser/Lidar Train-the-Trainer*Leadership in Police Organizations (LPO)*LEEMCC Instructor Course*Less-Lethal Impact & Chemical Instructor Certification*MD Case Law that All Cops Need to Know*MD State Pre-Retirement Planning Seminars*MD Tactical Officers Association Annual Conference*Media Relations & On-Camera Training*Media Relations for Supervisors*Moving Up to Supervision*National Traffic Incident Management (TIM)*National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) T4T*NCJTC Sexual Assault Investigation Academy*NLEFIA Advanced Firearms Instructor Cert.*Northwestern School of Police Staff & Command*NRA LE Handgun Instructor Development School*NRA LE Handgun/Shotgun Instructor Development*NRA LE Tactical Shooting Instructor Development School*NRA LE Tactical Shotgun Instructor Development School*OC Instructor Course*Off the Cuff: VALOR Officer Safety & Wellness Talks*Officer Safety and Terrorism*Operation Jetway Training*Opioid & Pharmaceutical Drug Investigations*Outlaw Motorcycle Gang: Contact to Conviction*PepperBall Instructor/Armorer Certification*Police Executive Development (POLEX)*Police Traffic Laser/RADAR Instructor*Pre-Employment Background Investigation*Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) Conference*Property Room Management Seminar*Public Safety Wellness & Resiliency*RDS (Red Dot Sight) Instructor (2-day)*Realistic De-Escalation Instructor Course*Recruiting for Law Enforcement*Red Dot Sights (RDS) Handgun Instructor*Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing*Remington M700 Rifle Armorer*Remington M870 Shotgun Armorer (non MD)*Resilience Training for Law Enforcement*Risk and Resiliency*SABRE Aerosol Irritant Projector Instructor Course*School Resource Officer (SRO) Supervisors & Management*School Shield SRO Training*Seal the Deal: Building Your Criminal Case*Seminar for Public Information Officers*SFST Refresher Training*Shotgun Armorer Course*Sig Sauer Pistol Armorer*Simunition Scenario Instructor And Safety Course*Simunition® Scenario Instructor & Safety Certification*Social Media Investigations*Social Media, the Dark Web & Human Trafficking*Staged Crime Scene Investigations*Street Crimes Seminar*Street Level Criminal Patrol Workshop*Street Smart Cop/Pro Active Patrol Tactics*Street Surveillance Techniques*Suicide Awareness (1-day)*Surviving a Mass Shooting: A Community Seminar*Terrorism Trends & Tactics Conference*Terrorist Weapons, Tactics & Techniques*The Crossing Series*Threat Assessment & Management Framework*Topics in Crime Scene Investigation*Train the Trainer @ Prince George’s Mun Acad*Unmanned Aviation System (UAS) for LE & Public Safety*VALOR Executive Leadership Workshop*VALOR Mid-Level Leadership Workshop*VALOR Survive & Thrive*VALOR Train the Trainer Workshop*Vehicle Ignition Systems and VIN Identification*Verbal Defense & Influence*Verbal Judo (Allegany County Sheriff)*Victory First RDS Instructor Course*Virginia Beach Mass Casualty Incident Response*W-Z Opioid Death Investigations*Webinar-What Happens When I Ask For Help?*Webinar: Investigating Abuse of Elder*Webinar: Investigating Financial Abuse of Elder*Webinar: Preventing Mass Casualty/Threat Assessment*Webinar: Using the New Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enfor*WMD for the First Responder Community*Writing Reports NIBRS Style*WZ Tactical Field InterviewingActionable IntelligenceActive Threat Integrated Response Course (ATIRC)Administrative Excellence Day 1Administrative Excellence Day 2Administrative Excellence Day 3Administrative Excellence Day 4Administrative Excellence Day 5Adobe ConnectAdvanced Crime AnalysisAdvanced Crisis Communications Strategies for PIOsAdvanced Human TraffickingAdvanced Incident Management/Unified CommandAMTRAK Passenger Train Emergency ResponseAn Introduction to the Sovereign CitizenAnnual Instructors' Awards & Training ConferenceAnti-Terrorism Intelligence Awareness (AIATP)Applying the 4th Amendment - Search & SeizureAST - Children of PrisonersAST - Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You - ReentryAST - Dashboard - AMAST - Dashboard - PMAST - Domestic Violence AwarenessAST - Homeland SecurityAST - Maryland Offender Management System - AMAST - Maryland Offender Management System - PMAST - Mentally Ill OffenderAST - OrientationAST - Regional Gang Intelligence TrainingAwareness & Response to Biological Events T4TBackground Investigator’s Training - Just the BasicsBasic & Advanced Ground SurvivalBasic Human TraffickingBasic Instructor Training (5 Day) (OLD)Basic Instructor Training (5-day)Bulk Registration - CTU Bulk Registration - International Groups/DOSBulk Registration - PTC Bulk Registration - PTC ReformCAMEO Suite Train the TrainerCCTV Situational AwarenessCell Phone TrackingCHAMP- Child Maltreatment TrainingChild Abductions and Parental KidnappingChild FirstCivilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)Coaching & Counseling EmployeesCommunication & De-Escalation for Law EnforcementCommunity Policing ReportingComparative ComplianceConducting a Complete Traffic StopConflict Mediation/Conflict ResolutionContraband & EvacuationCorrectional Defensive Tactics Instructor TrainingCorrections - Redwood Toxicology Lab - FULL LectureCorrections - Redwood Toxicology Lab - REFRESHERCrisis De-Escalation (CDT) Train-the-TrainerCrisis Management & Response in the WorkplaceCritical Employee Emergency Planning (CEEP)CTU - Correctional Entrance 14 DayCTU - Correctional Entrance Level AcademyCTU - Supplemental Support Staff In-ServiceCurrent Trends XIV: Present Day ConcernsCurrent Trends XV: What's Happening Now 2020Current Trends XVICurrent Trends XVIIData Driven Approaches to Crime & Traffic SafetyDeadly Encounters: Case Study J.A. WrotenDeadly Force Application Train. for Firearm InstructorDeath Investigation (3-Day)Deep Creek 7: Training for Western MarylandDefensive Tactics Instructor (6-Day Course)Defensive Tactics Instructor Course (10-Day)Defensive Tactics Instructor Review & Refresher (Day 1)Defensive Tactics Instructor Review & Refresher (Day 2)Developing & Using Effective Interview & Interrogation DHMH Emergency Preparedness TrainingDJS Enhanced Fire Safety Officer Basic TrainingDNA SummitDNR-Heartsaver CPR/AEDDomestic Violence Instructor Training (5)Domestic Violence Instructor Training 10DPP- Academy (Bulk Registration)DPP- Agent AcademyDPP- Basic Defensive TacticsDPP- BI Equipment TrainingDPP- Bleeding Control BasicsDPP- Bridging the Generational GapDPP- Bulk RegistrationDPP- Case Management of the Mentally Ill OffenderDPP- Chapter 7: Earned Compliance Credits (ECC) (AM)DPP- Chapter 7: Earned Compliance Credits (ECC) (PM)DPP- Collections & AccountingDPP- Collections & RestitutionsDPP- Communication Skills & Interpersonal InteractionDPP- Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult PeopleDPP- Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in WorkplaceDPP- Court Preparation & Testifying DPP- CPRDPP- CPR/First AidDPP- Criminal History Verification (1-day)DPP- Criminal History Verification (2-day)DPP- Customer ServiceDPP- Customer Service FundamentalsDPP- Dashboard & MappingDPP- Defensive Tactics RefresherDPP- Dialogue Circles Apprenticeship TrainingDPP- Domestic ViolenceDPP- Domestic Violence Update (AM)DPP- Domestic Violence Update (PM)DPP- DPSCS Discipline and GrievancesDPP- DPSCS Performance EvaluationsDPP- Effective Interviewing & Service PlanningDPP- Effective Strategies for Supervising EmployeesDPP- Emotional IntelligenceDPP- Fines, Cost & Restitution (Full Day)DPP- Fines, Cost & Restitution (Half Day)DPP- Forget About It! –Managing Stress in Your Life(AM)DPP- Forget About It! –Managing Stress in Your Life(PM)DPP- Fraternization & ManipulationDPP- Gang Awareness & STGsDPP- Gangnet User Training (AM)DPP- Gangnet User Training (PM)DPP- GangsDPP- General Issues & Supervision of Child MolestersDPP- Graduated ResponsesDPP- Hepatitis C: The Silent Epidemic (PM)DPP- How Being Trauma-Informed Improves ResponsesDPP- Human Trafficking (AM)DPP- Human Trafficking (PM)DPP- I Feel You... Do You Feel Me?DPP- Ignition InterlockDPP- Intake TrainingDPP- Intimate Partner ViolenceDPP- Intro to Gangs & Strategic Threat GroupsDPP- Intro to MS Outlook Calendar 2010 for SupervisorsDPP- Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010DPP- Introduction to Microsoft Office 2010DPP- Introduction to Microsoft Outlook Calendar 2010DPP- Introduction to Microsoft Word 2010DPP- JRA RefresherDPP- Justice Reinvestment Act (JRA) Roll-Out (2-day)DPP- Lethality Assessment & Domestic ViolenceDPP- Lethality Assessment ProgramDPP- Long Term Impact of Childhood Trauma-Adult OffnderDPP- LSI-R (2 Day)DPP- LSI-R RefresherDPP- Managing Across GenerationsDPP- Mandatory In-Service 2019 (Full Day)DPP- Mandatory In-Service 2019 (Half Day)DPP- Mapping Program (AM)DPP- Mapping Program (PM)DPP- Maryland Network Against Domestic ViolenceDPP- MCCPI 2 Day TrainingDPP- Mental Health First Aid (1 Day)DPP- Mental Health First Aid (2 Day)DPP- Monitor AcademyDPP- Motivational InterviewingDPP- MS Office 2010 IntroductionDPP- Narcotics IdentificationDPP- NCIC/Meters CN5DPP- Neurobiology of TraumaDPP- OCMS for Supervisors (1/2 Day)DPP- OCMS for Supervisors (Full Day)DPP- OCMS Training (1/2 Day)DPP- OCMS Training (Full Day)DPP- Office Safety & Home ContactsDPP- Performance Evaluation Planning (PEP) Process (AM)DPP- Performance Evaulation Planning (PEP) Process (PM)DPP- Planning and Preparing for Home/Field VisitsDPP- Planning for Promotion to 1st Line Sprvsr: Phase IDPP- Planning for Promotion to 1st Line Sprvsr:Phase IIDPP- Positive PsychologyDPP- Post Conviction Sex Offender PolygraphDPP- Principles of Effective Intervention & Case MgmntDPP- Redwood Toxicology Lab - FULL LectureDPP- Redwood Toxicology Lab - REFRESHERDPP- Reunification & Intra-Familial Child Maltreatment DPP- SafeASISTDPP- SafeTALK Alertness TrainingDPP- Sentencing Guidelines WorksheetDPP- Sex Offender Registration Law (AM)DPP- Sex Offender Registration Laws (PM)DPP- Sexual Harassment (AM)DPP- Sexual Harassment (PM)DPP- Situational Awareness for DPP PersonnelDPP- Social Media: What's Your Image? (AM)DPP- Social Media: What's Your Image? (PM)DPP- Staff Safety In and Around the OfficeDPP- STOP Serving the Transgender Offender Prof DPP- STOP Serving Transgender Offndr Prof (AM)DPP- STOP Serving Transgender Offndr Prof (PM)DPP- Stress Management: The Attitude Day SpaDPP- Supervision of Internet Sex Offenders DPP- Supervisor I TrainingDPP- Supervisor TrainingDPP- Teamwork: Cultivating Your SkillsDPP- Teamwork: Will You Be Picked LastDPP- Testifying SkillsDPP- The 1st 60: Female Offndrs Post-Incarceration (AM)DPP- The 1st 60: Female Offndrs Post-Incarceration (PM)DPP- The Dangerous Powers of the E PersonalityDPP- The Family of Addiction/AlcoholismDPP- The Graying of HIV/AIDSDPP- The Low Down on the Down Low (PM)DPP- The Reading RainbowDPP- The Role of the SupervisorDPP- The Wow Effect - Drugs We Use & AbuseDPP- Time Mngmnt: Getting Most Out of Your DayDPP- Traumatic Brain Injury & the CJ SystemDPP- Understanding Dvlpmntl/Intellectual DisabilitiesDPP- Understanding MD Inmates' Early Release CreditsDPP- Wellness at Work (AM)DPP- Wellness at Work (PM)DPP- What If An Accident Occurs? (IWIF)DPP- What Makes Us Who We AreDPP- What's Old is New Again - Designer DrugsDPP- Where Our Habits May Take UsDPP- Workplace BullyingDPP- Workplace Bullying (Webinar)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Administrators)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Front Line)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Part 2 - Supervisors)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Supervisors)DPSCS Leadership Summit (5-Day)DPSCS Majors and Captains Summit (2-day)DPSCS Majors and Captains Summit – PLUS (2-day)Drug Law Enforcement Training ProgramDrug Overview 2018DTF- Emergency Vehicle Operations In-Service (2 Days)DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (7 day)DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Platform & AcclimationDTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)DTF- Entry Level Traffic Stops/ Balto. City DTF- EVOC In-Service (1 Day)DTF- EVOC In-Service (2 Day)DTF-zAccident Avoidance CourseDTF-zDefensive Driving CourseDTF-zEmergency Response Course-2 DayDTF-zEntry Level EVO Course/ Balt. Co.DTF-zEntry Level EVO/ Balto CityDTF-zEntry Level EVO/ MSPDTF-zEntry Level EVOC (6 Day)DTF-zEntry Level Traffic Stops (5 Day)DTF-zEntry Level Vehicle OperationsDTF-zEVO Course/ Harford Co. SheriffDTF-zEVO In-Service 2-Days - MSPDTF-zEVO In-Service 2day Balto. Co.DTF-zEVO In-Service Allied Agency DTF-zEVO Instructor CourseDTF-zEVO Instructor Course-MSPDTF-zEVO Instructor School-Baltimore CityDTF-zIn-Service 3 day Balto. CoDTF-zIn-Service 3dayDTF-zMiscellaneous EVOC In-Service 2 dayDTF-zMotors Instructor School-MSPDTF-zPursuit Policy WorkshopDTF-zVehicle Skills EnhancementDTF-zVO Instructor Course / D.O.CDUI Enforcement & DUI PosseE-Learning Program Pilot (Drug Endangered Children)Edge Weapon Defense CourseeIMS TrainingElectronic Media & InvestigationsElectronic Media Basic Investigation CourseEmergency Response to Domestic Biological IncidentsEnhanced Fire Safety Officer Basic Training ProgramEvery Officer is a Leader - Executive TrainingEvery Officer is a Leader - Line Officer TrainingEvery Officer is a Leader - Train the TrainerEyewitness Identification ProceduresFacebook & Social MediaFBI Active Shooter ConferenceFentanyl/Drug IDField Force Command & Planning (FFC)Field Force Operations (FFO)Field Training & Evaluation ProgramField Training Officer RefresherFinding WordsFire Safety Officer TrainingFirst Aid (Standard)First Responder NegotiationsFLETC Leadership for Women in Law EnforcementFraudulent Documents TrainingFTF Berwyn Heights-half dayFTF-A G's Office TrainingFTF-Annapolis PDFTF-Annapolis PD-half dayFTF-Anne Arundel Co Detention CenterFTF-Anne Arundel Co Detention Center-Half DayFTF-AR15/M4 Armorer SchoolFTF-Baltimore City PD-E&T FTF-Baltimore City PD-E&T-Half DayFTF-Baltimore City PD-E&T-Type 3 SchoolFTF-Baltimore City PD-SWATFTF-Baltimore City PD-SWAT-Half DayFTF-Baltimore City School PoliceFTF-Baltimore City School Police-half dayFTF-Baltimore City SheriffFTF-Baltimore City Sheriff - Instructor SchoolFTF-Baltimore City Sheriff-half dayFTF-Baltimore Co Department of CorrectionsFTF-Baltimore Co Department of Corrections-half dayFTF-Baltimore Co PDFTF-Baltimore Co PD - LEOSAFTF-Baltimore Co PD-Half DayFTF-Baltimore Co PD-Narcotics Unit - MILOFTF-Baltimore Co PD-Weapon ConversionFTF-Baltimore Co SheriffFTF-Baltimore Co Sheriff-Half DayFTF-Baltimore Enviornmental PoliceFTF-Berwyn Heights PDFTF-Berwyn Heights PD-half dayFTF-Bladensburg PDFTF-Bladensburg PD-half dayFTF-Bladensburg PD-requal from shootingFTF-Bowie PD-Rifle QualificationFTF-BWI Pest Control Initial TrainingFTF-BWI Pest Control Inservice TrainingFTF-Caroline Co Detention CenterFTF-Caroline Co Detention Center-half dayFTF-Carroll Co Detention CenterFTF-Carroll Co Detention Center-half dayFTF-Carroll Co Sherif-Court Security-Half DayFTF-Carroll Co SheriffFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-AR-15 Weapon TestingFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Court SecurityFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-ELT SchoolFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-ELT-Hampstead PDFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-half dayFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Laterial ProgramFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-LEOSAFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Type 3 QualsFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Type 3 SchoolFTF-Carroll Co Sheriff-Weapon DemoFTF-Cheverly PDFTF-Cheverly PD-Half DayFTF-Cheverly PD-RifleFTF-COLT Armorer SchoolFTF-COMAR MeetingFTF-Coppin State PDFTF-Coppin State PD-half dayFTF-Demo-Ballistic Vest-KDH,IncFTF-Demo-Defenzia - Less Lethal EquipmentFTF-Demo-Novonic Corp-Judgmental TrainerFTF-DOC Warden Round TableFTF-DOC Weapon TransitionFTF-DOC Weapon Transition-RemedialFTF-DOC-Home Detention UnitFTF-DOC-Home Detention Unit-half dayFTF-DOC-Home Detention Unit-MILO OrientationFTF-Dorchester Co Sheriff - Remedial ShooterFTF-DPSCS - D.O.C.FTF-DPSCS - IIDFTF-DPSCS - IID - Half DayFTF-DPSCS - SOGFTF-DPSCS - SOG - Half DayFTF-DPSCS - Staff - LEOSAFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Court SecurityFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co DetentionFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Detention-Half dayFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co SheriffFTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Sheriff-Class 1FTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Sheriff-Class 2FTF-E L T Firearms-Carroll Co Sheriff-Class 2-RefresherFTF-E L T Firearms-Hampstead PDFTF-E L T Firearms-M S P Class 144FTF-E L T Firearms-M S P-Firearms MarksmanshipFTF-E L T Firearms-M S P-Judgmental TrainingFTF-E L T Firearms-M S P-Remedial TrainingFTF-E L T Firearms-Md N R PFTF-E L T Firearms-Md N R P - Night FireFTF-E L T Firearms-Md N R P - RefresherFTF-E L T Firearms-Md N R P - RemedialFTF-E L T Firearms-MdTA FTF-E L T Firearms-MdTA -RemedialFTF-E L T Firearms-MdTA-Night FireFTF-E L T Firearms-P G Municipal AcademyFTF-E L T Firearms-P G Municipal Academy-RemedialFTF-E L T Firearms-PELTFTF-E L T Firearms-PELT-Remedial ProgramFTF-E L T Firearms-Tanneytown PDFTF-E L T Firearms-University of MD - College ParkFTF-E L T Firearms-Westminster PDFTF-E L T Training-PELT-Active ShooterFTF-E L T Training-PELT-Traffic StopsFTF-Edmonston PDFTF-Edmonston PD-half dayFTF-Federal user-Amtrack PDFTF-Federal user-Amtrack PD-half dayFTF-Federal user-Amtrak-Night FireFTF-Federal user-D C I SFTF-Federal user-D C I S-half dayFTF-Federal user-D O J - Dave MooreFTF-Federal user-D O J-Dave Moore-half dayFTF-Federal user-DHS / HSI - BaltimoreFTF-Federal user-DHS / ICE / ERO-half dayFTF-Federal user-F D A - OCIFTF-Federal user-F D A - OCI-half dayFTF-Federal user-Fed Housing Finance Agency (OIG)FTF-Federal user-Fed Housing Finance Agency-half dayFTF-Federal user-Fed Protection I C EFTF-Federal user-Fed Protection I C E-half daFTF-Federal user-Federal Protective ServiceFTF-Federal user-Ft. Detrick PoliceFTF-Federal user-Ft. Detrick Police-half dayFTF-Federal user-Nat Institute Health-half daFTF-Federal user-National Institute of HealthFTF-Federal user-National Security AgencyFTF-Federal user-National Security Agency-half dayFTF-Federal user-NIH-Weapon ConversionFTF-Federal user-Social SecurityFTF-Federal user-Social Security-half dayFTF-Federal user-TIGTA-BeltsvilleFTF-Federal user-TIGTA-Beltsville-half dayFTF-Federal user-U S S S-BeltsvilleFTF-Federal user-U S S S-Beltsville-half dayFTF-Federal user-U.S. Security & Exchange Com-half dayFTF-Federal user-U.S. Security & Exchange CommissionFTF-Federal user-US Dept Gen Service-Half dayFTF-Federal user-US Dept General Services FTF-Federal user-US Probation,Balt officFTF-Federal user-US Probation,Balt-half dayFTF-Federal user-US Probation,DC officeFTF-Federal user-US Probation,DC-half dayFTF-Firearms Instructor SchoolFTF-Firearms Instructor School-Make upFTF-Firearms Instructor School-RemedialFTF-Firearms Instructor School-Student Re-shootFTF-GLOCK Armorer SchoolFTF-Glock Pistol ArmorerFTF-Greenbelt PDFTF-Greenbelt PD-half dayFTF-Hagerstown Community College PD - In-serviceFTF-Hampstead PDFTF-Hampstead PD-half DayFTF-Handgun Permit Training-DPSCS StaffFTF-Howard County DOCFTF-Howard County PoliceFTF-Howard County SheriffFTF-Hyattsville PDFTF-Hyattsville PD-half dayFTF-Hyattsville PD-LEOSAFTF-Instructor RequalificationFTF-Laurel PDFTF-Laurel PD-half dayFTF-Legal Adviser Training FTF-LEOSA-AMFTF-LEOSA-DPSCS Executive StaffFTF-LEOSA-Exelon CorpFTF-LEOSA-MPCTC StaffFTF-LEOSA-PMFTF-LEOSA-Ravens SecurityFTF-Mass Transit Administration PDFTF-Mass Transit Administration PD-half dayFTF-Mass Transit Administration PD-Remedial TrainingFTF-MD Charities GiftFTF-Md. Capitol PDDept. of General Services PD-half dayFTF-Md. Capitol Police-Dept. of General Services PDFTF-Md. Comptroller - Field EnforcementFTF-Md. Comptroller - Field Enforcement-Half DayFTF-Md. Dept Labor, Licensing & RegulationsFTF-Md. Dept Labor, Licensing & Regulations - half dayFTF-Md. Dept Labor, Licensing & Regulations - RemedialFTF-Md. Fire Marshall OfficeFTF-Md. Fire Marshall Office-half dayFTF-Md. Natural Resources PDFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD- ELT ProgramFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Half day FTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Instructor MeetingFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Instructor SchoolFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Instructor School-RemedialFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Instructor ShootFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Lateral ELT ProgramFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-LEOSAFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-MILO OrientationFTF-Md. Natural Resources PD-Type 3 Rifle SchoolFTF-Md. P & P - Warrant UnitFTF-Md. P & P - Warrant Unit-half dayFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PDFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Entry Level TrngFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-EVOC-half dayFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-half dayFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Instructor QualificFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Instructor SchoolFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-InterviewsFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Lateral ProgramFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-LEOSAFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Meeting-Atlantic TaFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Off Duty WeaponsFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Officer RehireFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-RemedialFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Rifle QualsFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Staff ShootFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-SWATFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-SWAT-half day FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Type 3 SchoolFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Weapon TeFTF-Meeting-Bullet Trap-Handgun Ranges CleaningFTF-Meeting-D G S & MDE - Rifle RangeFTF-Meeting-D G S-Rifle Range ProgressFTF-Meeting-D G S-Rifle Range Substantial CompletionFTF-Meeting-D G S-Rifle Range-Pre ConFTF-Meeting-Mr. Bezanson & MSP K-9FTF-Meeting-S B L P Training - PELT 22FTF-MNCPP - Montgomery DivFTF-MNCPP - Montgomery Div-half dayFTF-MNCPP - Montgomery Div-Rifle SchoolFTF-MNCPP - Prince George's DivFTF-MNCPP - Prince George's Div-half dayFTF-Morgan State UniversityFTF-Morgan State University-Half DayFTF-Mount Airy PDFTF-Mount Airy PD-half dayFTF-MPCTC-Active ShooterFTF-MPCTC-Active Shooter - PELTFTF-MPCTC-Judgmental Training - PELTFTF-MPCTC-Supervisor SchoolFTF-MSPFTF-MSP Cadet TrainingFTF-MSP-ELT-Traffic StopsFTF-MSP-EVOC Instructor meetingFTF-MSP-Makeup-WeaverFTF-MSP-Medics & Johns Hopkins TrainingFTF-MSP-Motors-Tactical TrainingFTF-MSP-Range2000-WeaverFTF-MSP-Requal from shootingFTF-MSP-Return to DutyFTF-MSP-STATE TeamFTF-MSP-STATE Team-PrepFTF-MSP-State's Attorney TrainingFTF-Mt. Rainier PDFTF-Mt. Rainier-Half DayFTF-New Carrollton PDFTF-New Carrollton PD-half dayFTF-Orientation for usersFTF-Orientation for users - MILO simulatorFTF-P G County SheriffFTF-P G County Sheriff-half dayFTF-Range MaintenanceFTF-Range Maintenance-Lead removalFTF-Range Maintenance-Ranges Back-filledFTF-Red Dot Sights (RDS) Handgun InstructorFTF-Remedial Firearms TrainingFTF-Remington 700 Rifle Armorer SchoolFTF-Remington 870 Shotgun ArmorerFTF-Revolver Conversion (2-day)FTF-Rockville PD-E L T ProgramFTF-Roxbury Institute - MILO TrainingFTF-Seat Pleasant PDFTF-Seat Pleasant PD-half dayFTF-Sig Sauer Armorer P320FTF-Sig Sauer Armorer SchoolFTF-Signal 13 Training, LLCFTF-Simunition SchoolFTF-Smith & Wesson M & P Armorer CourseFTF-Smith & Wesson M&P 1.0 Pistol Armorer CertificationFTF-Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Pistol Armorer CertificationFTF-Staff ShootFTF-Staff Shoot - Rifle RangeFTF-Staff Training-M I L O Judgmental SystemFTF-Staff Trauma TrainingFTF-Sykesville PDFTF-Sykesville-Half DayFTF-Takoma Park PDFTF-Takoma Park PD-half dayFTF-Taneytown PDFTF-Taneytown PD-half dayFTF-Taser Demo & TrainingFTF-TEST! TEST! Entrance Level Program-HandgunFTF-Tour- Intl. Law Enforcement GroupFTF-Tour-Job CorpsFTF-Tour-Md. Dept of Natural Resources PDFTF-Training Program TrainingFTF-Type 1 & 2 Rifle SchoolFTF-Type 1 & 2 Rifle School-10 dayFTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolFTF-University of Baltimore PDFTF-University of Baltimore PD - Half DayFTF-University of Baltimore PD - Rifle ProgramFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore CityFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore City-half dayFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore City-Rifle Pr FTF-University of Md.-Baltimore CoFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore Co-half dayFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore Co-LEOSAFTF-University of Md.-College ParkFTF-University of Md.-College Park-half dayFTF-University of Md.-College Park-WastlerFTF-University of Towson PDFTF-University of Towson PD-half dayFTF-University Park PDFTF-University Park PD-Half DayFTF-User MeetingFTF-Warden Handgun Permit TrainingFTF-Washington Suburban Sanitary CommFTF-Washington Suburban Sanitary Comm-half daFTF-Westminster PDFTF-Westminster PD-half dayFundamentals of Criminal InvestigationGang Instructor T4TGang Resistance Education & Training (GREAT)Google Basics (4 Hours)Google Basics (AM)Google Basics (PM)Handgun DefenseHazardous Materials Safety & Security- AwarenessHazardous Materials Safety & Security- OperationsHealth Ed- Hepatitis: Invisible EpidemicHealth Ed- HIV RefresherHealth Ed- PREA: Prison Rape Elimination Act & OverviewHealth Ed- S.T.O.P Serving Transgender Offender Prof Health Ed- STD: The HIV ConnectionHealth Ed- The Attitude Day Spa: Stress ManagementHealth Ed- The Daily Challenges of Living with HIV/AIDSHealth Ed- The Low Down on the Down LowHealth Ed- Tuberculosis: Not Gone or Forgotten Heartsaver AEDHomegrown Violent ExtremismHomemade ExplosivesICS 100ICS 200ICS 300ICS 400IED Awareness and SafetyImplicit-Bias Awareness Training for DPSCS (2023)Incident Command System (ICS) Forms ReviewIncident Management/ Unified CommandIncident Response to Terrorist Bombing (IRTB)InCOP 1 & InCOP 2InCOP 1 - Information Collection on PatrolInCOP 2 - Build a BaseInside the Mexican Drug CartelsInstructor and Lesson Plan Development (8-day)Instructor TrainingIntellectual & Developmental Disabilities T4TIntelligence Awareness for L.E. Executives (IALEETP)Intro to CAMEO Suite T4T – 4 DayIntro to Cult, Occult and Ritual CrimeIntroduction to Excel 2010Introduction to ExplosivesIntroduction to Fraud InvestigationsIntroduction to MS WordIntroduction to WorkDay Timekeeping for Supervisors Islam in Focus: Cultural Comp to Combating ExtremismITCD-Advanced WordL.E. Emergency Medical Care (LEEMCC) Instructor TrngLaw Enforc. Prevention & Deterrence of Terrorist ActsLaw Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency ResponseLaw Enforcement Active Shooter Response (T4T)Law Enforcement Prevention & Deter Terrorist Acts T4TLaw Enforcement Protective MeasuresLDI- AccountabilityLDI- Addressing and Managing ConflictLDI- Adjudication of Misconduct Cases-CorrectionsLDI- Adjudication of Misconduct Cases-PoliceLDI- Administrative Excellence ProgramLDI- Advanced Problem Solving & NegotiationsLDI- Applying Myers Briggs in the WorkplaceLDI- Assertiveness in the WorkplaceLDI- Bulk RegistrationLDI- Candid Conversations about RaceLDI- Career DevelopmentLDI- Career Development:Transitioning Beyond RetirementLDI- Career Wellness for Public Safety ProfessionalsLDI- Challenging Our Implicit BiasLDI- Civilian Supervisor TrainingLDI- Coaching & Mentoring a Successful WorkforceLDI- Coaching for Enhanced Performance LDI- COBR Hearing Board TrainingLDI- Collaborative Outcomes: Teams & TeamworkLDI- Communication Skills and Interpersonal InteractionLDI- Crisis & Issue ManagementLDI- Crisis Intervention Team - Train the TrainerLDI- Crisis Management & Response in the WorkplaceLDI- Customer ServiceLDI- Dealing with Difficult EmployeesLDI- Delegating Down the Chain of CommandLDI- Deputy Director ProgramLDI- Diet and NutritionLDI- Dimensions of DiversityLDI- DiSC for Improved Communication & CollaborationLDI- Disciplinary Techniques for Women in ManagementLDI- Diversity and Cultural Awareness SensitivityLDI- Documentation & DisciplineLDI- DPSCS Supervisor AcademyLDI- EEO and ADA for Managers and SupervisorsLDI- EEO Training - Train the Trainer CourseLDI- Effective Business WritingLDI- Effective Comm Skills in a Leadership RoleLDI- Effective CommunicationsLDI- Effective LeadershipLDI- Effective Negotiation SkillsLDI- Emotional IntelligenceLDI- Emotional Intelligence (Virtual)LDI- Emotional Intelligence for LeadershipLDI- Employee Engagement & MotivationLDI- Empowerment for Women in LeadershipLDI- Empowerment: Inspiring Critical ThinkingLDI- Empowerment: Inspiring Critical Thinking (Virtual)LDI- Ethics & AccountabilityLDI- Ethics and Integrity LDI- Evaluating Employee PerformanceLDI- Excel 2016 IntermediateLDI- Excel 2016 IntroductoryLDI- Executive Leadership SeminarsLDI- First Line Administrator TrainingLDI- First Line Supervisor TrainingLDI- For Police Managers: Solving Comm. Crime ProblemsLDI- Foundations of LeadershipLDI- Foundations of Leadership Phase ILDI- Foundations of Leadership Phase IILDI- Foundations of Leadership Phase IIILDI- Fundamentals of Supervision & ManagementLDI- Getting Ideas AcrossLDI- Goal Setting for Managers: An IntroductionLDI- Grant WritingLDI- Holistic HealthLDI- Insight into Corr. Culture: Situ. LeadershipLDI- Internal Investigations- CorrectionsLDI- Internal Investigations- PoliceLDI- Interview & InterrogationLDI- Interview Techniques for Hiring, Coaching & MngmntLDI- Laws & Cases Could Change the Way You Supervise LDI- LeadershipLDI- Leadership & Management Skills for WomenLDI- Leadership and Strategic ThinkingLDI- Leadership Challenge RetreatLDI- Leadership Challenge SessionLDI- Leadership Ethics & Major Case ManagementLDI- Leadership in Police Organizations (LPO)LDI- Leadership InstituteLDI- Leading High Performing TeamsLDI- Leading High Performing Teams (Virtual)LDI- LEEDA's Executive Leadership InstituteLDI- LEEOPLDI- Legal Contemporary Issues (Supervisors)LDI- LEOBRLDI- LEOBR for Hearing Board MembersLDI- LEOBR for Investigators (1-day)LDI- Lifetime Fitness and WellnessLDI- Line of Duty DeathsLDI- Local Executives ProgramLDI- Making Effective PresentationsLDI- Managing Across GenerationsLDI- Managing and Multi-TaskingLDI- Managing ChangeLDI- Managing Conflict and ConfrontationLDI- Managing Conflict and Confrontation (Virtual)LDI- Managing Conflicts at WorkLDI- Managing Conflicts in the WorkplaceLDI- Managing Crisis in the WorkplaceLDI- Managing Critical IncidentsLDI- Managing Emotions Under PressureLDI- Managing Generation YLDI- Managing in a Male Dominated EnvironmentLDI- Managing Multiple GenerationsLDI- Managing Multiple PrioritiesLDI- Managing Multiple Priorities (Virtual)LDI- Managing Organizational ChangeLDI- Managing Protected ClassesLDI- Managing the Marginal EmployeeLDI- Mental Health Crisis Intervention Training OvervieLDI- Mental Health First AidLDI- Mentoring for SuccessLDI- Mentoring vs. CoachingLDI- Mnger's Guide Interview & Interrogate JuvenilesLDI- Movement for Mind, Body and MaintenanceLDI- MSA Executive RetreatLDI- Multi-Cultural SensitivityLDI- Negotiation for LeadersLDI- NSA ProgramLDI- NWSPSC - RegistrationLDI- Partnering for PerformanceLDI- Patrol Allocation & Workload AnalysisLDI- Patrol Workload Analysis & Resource AllocationLDI- Performance EvaluationLDI- Performance Management: Approach to Employee DevLDI- Performance Management: Employee DevelopmentLDI- POLEXLDI- Police Chiefs & Sheriffs RoundtableLDI- PowerPoint 2016 Advanced LDI- Practical Management in Public SafetyLDI- Preparing to Assume a Management PositionLDI- Preventing Racial Profiling by P/S ProfessionalsLDI- Preventing Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceLDI- Progressive DisciplineLDI- Progressive Discipline for Problem EmployeesLDI- Project ManagementLDI- Reducing Stress for Leaders in Public SafetyLDI- Remote Work & CommunicationLDI- Report WritingLDI- Role of a SupervisorLDI- Self-Assessment/Self Awareness in the WorkplaceLDI- Servant Leadership & Equitable Decision MakingLDI- Social Media: Benefits, Uses & ImplicationsLDI- Special Police Officer (SPO) Instructor TrainingLDI- Spy Games: Decode Personality TypesLDI- Staff Ride Leadership Lessons from AntietamLDI- State AW SC FA ProgramLDI- State Wardens ProgramLDI- Strategic CommunicationLDI- Strategic PlanningLDI- Strategic Planning for ManagersLDI- Strengthening Communication for Effect LeadershipLDI- Strengthening Your Supervisory SkillsLDI- Strengthening Your Supervisory Skills (Virtual)LDI- Stress Management: The Attitude Day SpaLDI- Successfully Transitioning to ManagementLDI- Supervisor's Role in Critical IncidentsLDI- Supervisory LiabilitiesLDI- Team DevelopmentLDI- Techniques of Effective CoachingLDI- The Leadership SchoolLDI- Transitioning from Officer to SupervisorLDI- TRUE Leadership: Valuable Lessons (1-day)LDI- TRUE Leadership: Valuable Lessons (2-day)LDI- When Leaders are Forced to ManageLDI- Women's Leadership & Management SkillsLDI- Working Effectively w/ Subordinates & SupervisorsLDI- Workplace ViolenceLDI- Workplace Violence in a Law Enforc EnvironmentLDI- Written Communication Skills for LeadersLDI-Assertiveness Training for ManagersLDI-Avoiding the Pitfalls of SupervisionLDI-Being a Supervisor & Building a TeamLDI-Blended Correctional Leadership DevelopmentLDI-Coaching & CounselingLDI-Coaching & Counseling EmployeesLDI-Coaching & Counseling for the Female SupervisorLDI-Coaching & Counseling for Women SupervisorsLDI-Coaching for High PerformanceLDI-Collaborative Leadership in Homeland SecurityLDI-Communicating with ConfidenceLDI-Conducting Internal Investigations-Law EnforcementLDI-Conflict ManagementLDI-Creative Problem Solving for LeadersLDI-Crime & Mgmt. Analysis & Eval. for Police ManagersLeadership Presentation: Jack EnterLeadership Presentation: Resiliency & TraumaLesson Plan DevelopmentLesson Plan WorkshopLETU-Radar/Lidar Instructor School - T4TLETU-Threat & Risk AssessmentMail Handling Safety TrainingManaging Death InvestigationsMCCPI-2 Days of Crime Prevention at Deep Creek, Part 2MCCPI-2 Days of Crime Prevention in Deep Creek, Part 3MCCPI-2 Days of Crime Prevention in Deep Creek, Part 4MCCPI-2 Days of Crime Prevention Training in Deep CreekMCCPI-2-Day Commercial Crime Prevention TrainingMCCPI-2-Day Residential TrainingMCCPI-A Day of Crime Prevention at PG CountyMCCPI-A Day of Crime Prevention Training at Towson UMCCPI-A Day on the INLETS: Terrorism FinancesMCCPI-Active Shooter / TerrorismMCCPI-Advanced Crime Prevention CourseMCCPI-Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other DrugsMCCPI-Auto TheftMCCPI-BullyingMCCPI-Bullying and GangsMCCPI-Bullying and Internet SafetyMCCPI-Bullying and Personal SafetyMCCPI-Bullying/CyberbullyingMCCPI-Bullying/Domestic Violence/HarrassmentMCCPI-Burglary PreventionMCCPI-Campus Crime PreventionMCCPI-Collaboration for Senior LivingMCCPI-Columbine To Columbia SeminarMCCPI-Commercial Crime Prevention TrainingMCCPI-Community Gang AwarenessMCCPI-Community Gang Awareness IIMCCPI-Community Gang Awareness Training of TrainersMCCPI-Community Policing / Social Media MCCPI-Community Policing&Crime Prevention TodayMCCPI-Conflict ResolutionMCCPI-Crime Prevention 102 Beyond the BasicsMCCPI-Crime Prevention 2018MCCPI-Crime Prevention at Deep Creek 2017MCCPI-Crime Prevention at Summer CampsMCCPI-Crime Prevention for Police RecruitsMCCPI-Crime Prevention for the Chinese DelegationMCCPI-Crime Prevention PELTPMCCPI-Crime Prevention Training for PGCPS SecurityMCCPI-Crime Prevention Trg. for PG. CO School Security MCCPI-Crime Prevention/DARE Career Info. for YouthMCCPI-CrimePrev. for Educators of SpecialNeeds ChildrenMCCPI-Current Drug TrendsMCCPI-Current Trends 2016 Special Western EditionMCCPI-Current Trends in North AreaMCCPI-Current Trends IX: Keeping It CurrentMCCPI-Current Trends X:A Decade of CrimePrevention HitsMCCPI-Current Trends XI: For You, The OfficersMCCPI-Current Trends XII: 12 Years of Crime PreventionMCCPI-Current Trends XIII: As You RequestedMCCPI-Cyber SecurityMCCPI-CyberbullyingMCCPI-Cyberbullying/SextingMCCPI-CybersafetyMCCPI-Cybersafety/SextingMCCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training ConferenceMCCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2019MCCPI-DARE Bullying CurriculumMCCPI-DARE Bullying, Cyberbullying, Internet SafetyMCCPI-DARE Bullying/Cyberbullying/GangsMCCPI-DARE Bullying/Gangs/Internet Safety/RX/OTCMCCPI-DARE Elementary Keepin' It Real UpdateMCCPI-DARE Elementary School CurriculumMCCPI-DARE Facilitation and You/Keepin' It REALMCCPI-DARE K-4 SafetyMCCPI-DARE Keepin' It Real Elementary Curric. Update MCCPI-DARE Mentor Training (Out of State)MCCPI-DARE Middle School CurriculumMCCPI-DARE Officer RecertificationMCCPI-DARE Officer Training (Out of state)MCCPI-DARE OverviewMCCPI-DARE Prescription OTC Drug AbuseMCCPI-DARE-Curriculum Update: Keepin' It REALMCCPI-Day of Crime PreventionMCCPI-Death NotificationMCCPI-Death Notification / Homeland SecurityMCCPI-Decision Making and DrugsMCCPI-Deep Creek 6 Crime Prevention 2018MCCPI-Domestic ViolenceMCCPI-Domestic Violence/Drug AbuseMCCPI-Drug & Violence Awareness Expo.MCCPI-Drug Awareness SymposiumMCCPI-Drug PresentationMCCPI-Drugs of AbuseMCCPI-DUI AwarenessMCCPI-DUI Prevention and AwarenessMCCPI-Duties of Law Enforcement OfficersMCCPI-Facilitation SkillsMCCPI-Financial ExploitationMCCPI-Fraud RoundtableMCCPI-Frauds and ScamsMCCPI-Friend of Law Enforcement Assoc.MCCPI-Gang Awareness and PreventionMCCPI-Gang Awareness Training for Hospital SecurityMCCPI-Gang Awareness Training for ParentsMCCPI-Gang Awareness Training for School StaffMCCPI-Gang Culture and Information TechnologyMCCPI-Gang Culture and Our SchoolsMCCPI-Gang IndicatorsMCCPI-Gangs & Social MediaMCCPI-Gulf Coast Inlets - 2015MCCPI-Health Fair for Adults and ChildrenMCCPI-Health Fair for SeniorsMCCPI-Healthy Living Information BoothMCCPI-Holiday SafetyMCCPI-Home Security and Frauds and ScamsMCCPI-Homeland Sec.,Sexting, Electronic Dating ViolenceMCCPI-Homeland SecurityMCCPI-Homeland Security and GangsMCCPI-Human TraffickingMCCPI-Human Trafficking: Awareness, Invest. & Victimiz.MCCPI-Human Trafficking:Working to End Sex for SaleMCCPI-Identity TheftMCCPI-Impact of AlcoholMCCPI-Impact of Alcohol/DUI PresentationMCCPI-INLETS TrainingMCCPI-Internet Based Investigations&Prev. TechniquesMCCPI-Internet Predators/Human TraffickingMCCPI-Internet SafetyMCCPI-Internet Safety/Bullying/CyberbullyingMCCPI-Introduction to MCCPI MCCPI-Investiga/Prosecut.VulnerableAdultAbuseCasesMCCPI-Investiga/Prosecut.VulnerableAdultAbuseCases (PM)MCCPI-Juvenile Gang CultureMCCPI-Juvenile Gang Trends and Best PracticesMCCPI-Juveniles, Crime, and Justice in the U.S.MCCPI-Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice in AmericaMCCPI-Male Mentoring ProgramMCCPI-Managing the Aftermath of Crisis MCCPI-MCCPI Programs and Workplace ViolenceMCCPI-MCPA ConferenceMCCPI-MCPA Influence of Social Media; Homeland SecurityMCCPI-Mediation and Conflict Problem SolvingMCCPI-Methamphetamine Awareness& Personal Safety (AM)MCCPI-Methamphetamine Awareness&Personal Safety (PM)MCCPI-Neighborhood Watch and Personal SafetyMCCPI-Neighborhood Watch Toolkit TrainingMCCPI-New MCCPI 2 Day Residential TrainingMCCPI-Officer Safety Western RegionMCCPI-Outlaw Motorcycle GangsMCCPI-Partnerships and Problem SolvingMCCPI-Personal SafetyMCCPI-Personal Safety/Home SecurityMCCPI-Personal Safety/Personal DefenseMCCPI-Personal Safety/Workplace ViolenceMCCPI-Prescription/OTC MCCPI-Prescription/OTC Drugs,Bullying,Gangs MCCPI-Problem SolvingMCCPI-PSTMCCPI-Residential Crime Prevention TrainingMCCPI-Risk ManagementMCCPI-RX/OTC for SeniorsMCCPI-Safety for ChildrenMCCPI-Safety for Children/Drug PreventionMCCPI-Say No Youth ProgramMCCPI-School Based Policing TrainingMCCPI-Self Esteem for YouthMCCPI-Seniors SafetyMCCPI-Seniors with Mental IllnessMCCPI-Sex.Predators on Int/Cyberbully/GangAwarenessMCCPI-SextingMCCPI-Sexual Predators on the InternetMCCPI-Sexual Predators on the Internet/Bullying/SextingMCCPI-Sexual Predators on the Internet/CyberbullyingMCCPI-Social Media / Cyber Safety PresentationMCCPI-Social Media / Human Trafficing / Personal SafetyMCCPI-Social Media,Gangs,Bullying,Sex.Pred. on InternetMCCPI-Southern MD Junior Police AcademyMCCPI-Spring and Summer Crime PreventionMCCPI-Techniques for Effective PresentationsMCCPI-Theft PresentationMCCPI-Tools for Active Learning for AdultsMCCPI-Traditional and Non-Traditional Street GangsMCCPI-TriadMCCPI-Vehicle SafetyMCCPI-Vulnerabilities in Faith Based CommunitiesMCCPI-Winter Crime Prevention TrainingMCCPI-Workplace ViolenceMCCPI-Workplace Violence&Prevention/Gang AwarenessMCCPI-Workplace Violence/Personal SafetyMCCPI-Youth in AmericaMCCPI-Youth Mental HealthMCPI-4 Day Residential & Commercial Crime PreventionMCPI-Bulk RegistrationMCPI-Commercial & Residential Crime Prevention (2-day)MCPI-Community Policing: Improving Efficacy (2-day)MCPI-Community Policing: Improving Efficacy (3-day)MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2020MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2022MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2023MCPI-DARE Annual In-Service Training Conference 2024MCPI-DARE In-Service Training 2021MCPI-DARE Mentor Officer TrainingMCPI-DARE Officer Certification CourseMCPI-McGruff the Crime DogMCPI-Single Officer Response to Active Threats (SORAT)MdTA TrainingMental Health First Aid (1-Day)Mental Health First Aid (2-day)Mental Health First Aid (In-Person)Mental Health First Aid (Virtual)Modular Emergency Response Radiological Trans (MERRTT)Motorcycle Enforcement for L.E. OfficersMotorcycle Safety & Enforcement Train the TrainerMPCTC 1-Day In-Service for PoliceNational Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder New Instructor and Lesson Plan Development (OLD)New Training Director/Coordinator OrientationNewest Class TestNIC Learning & Performance CoachNorthwestern School of Police Staff & Command 2023O.C. Spray Instructor School (Oleoresin Capsicum)OCMS DisciplineOCMS EventsOCMS Housing, Traffic & TransferOCMS IntakeOCMS ReleaseOCMS Sentence Calculation TrainingOCMS Training for TrainersOfficer-Community Interaction (Virtual Reality)Outlaw Motorcycle Gang TrendsPADDD - Positive Alt to Dangerous & Destructive DrivingPolice & Correctional Expandable Baton Instructor CoursPolice & Correctional OC Spray Instructor CoursePolice Entrance Level TrainingPREA Webinar: Confidentiality, Ethics & the LawPREA: Specialized Training for InvestigatorsPreliminary Breath Testing (PBT) Operator CoursePreparedness & Response to Food & Agri IncidentsPreparing Communities for Agroterrorism T4TPrevention & Response to Suicide Bombing Incident Promoting Positive Interpersonal Communication SkillsPTU-Basic Interview and InterrogationPTU-Enhanced Threat & Risk AssessmentPTU-Initial LE Response to Suicide Bombing AttacksPTU-Patrol Investigations & Transition to Plain ClothePTU-Short Term Drug InvestigationPublic Safety TrainingRADAR/LIDAR Operator CourseRail Car Incident Response AWR147Registrar TrainingSafe Call Now - Information SessionSecure Driver's Licenses (Bel Air)Secure Driver's Licenses (Easton)Secure Driver's Licenses (Glen Burnie)Secure Driver's Licenses (Hagerstown)Secure Driver's Licenses (Hughesville)Secure Driver's Licenses (Marriottsville)Secure Driver's Licenses (Sykesville)Sexual Assault for Patrol OfficersSFST RefresherSFST Train the TrainerSFST-Standardized Field Sobriety Testing NHTSASimulation Model of Action in Response Tactics (SMART)Social Media in Today's WorldSpeaker Series - It's Your ShipSpeed Monitoring System Program AdministratorsSpirituality, Wellness & Vitality in LE PracticesStarChase GPS Launcher DemoStatement AnalysisStop the BleedStun-Cuff Officer Training ProgramTerrorism Financing Seminar for Law Enforcement Terrorism TrainingTerrorist Threat Guideline: LE Planning & ResponseThe Changing Nature of Criminal InvestigationsTraining at the Speed of LifeTraining Coordinators' Update (In-Person)Training Coordinators' Update (Virtual)TRDU AV for AmateursTRDU Finding Words/Child FirstTRDU LEOKA TrainingTRDU- Bombing Prevention for 1st RespondersTRDU- Firearms RetentionTRDU- Generations as Staff & LearnersTRDU- Identity TheftTRDU- LEOKA SurvivalTRDU- Less LethalTRDU- Missing Persons ReportTRDU- Racial ProfilingTRDU-Creating Vigilant, Prepared and Resilient CommunitTRDU-Drug Identification and TreatmentTRDU-Hate Crimes/IncidentsTrainingTRDU-Incident Response to Terrorist BombingsTRDU-Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrence of TerroTRDU-Leader's Role in Creating Vigilant, Prepared and RTRDU-Leaders Role in Creating Vigilant, Prepared & ResiTRDU-New Emerging Trends in Corr. Series: The VANCELLTRDU-Officer Involved ShootingTRDU-Older Driver Train the TrainerTRDU-Patrol Response to Active ShooterTRDU-Prescription Drug Abuse & Diversion - 2TRDU-Prescription Drug Abuse & Diversion/1TRDU-Threat and Risk AssessmentUnderstanding & Planning for School Bombing Incs AWR132Understanding I/DD (Intellectual/Developmental Disab)Utilizing Computer-Aided Management of Emrg Op in WMDVINE- Victim Information & Notification Everday PMVINE- Victim Information & Notification EverydayViolence Against Women: Dating Violence & CollegeViolent Radical Extremism in the Correctional Environ.Weapon RetentionWebinar - Assessment & Case PlanningWebinar - Basic Grammar, Punctuation & StructureWebinar - Bridging the Generational GapsWebinar - Certificates of Completion & RehabilitationWebinar - Civilian Response to Active Shooter (CRASE)Webinar - Collections & AccountingWebinar - Conflict ResolutionWebinar - Dealing with Conflict Verbal De-EscalationWebinar - Domestic Violence and Community SupervisionWebinar - DPP IntakeWebinar - DPSCS Discipline and GrievancesWebinar - DPSCS IWIF and Return to WorkWebinar - DPSCS Performance EvaluationWebinar - Dynamics of Domestic ViolenceWebinar - Earned Compliance CreditsWebinar - Ethics & IntegrityWebinar - Fundamentals of Effective CommunicationsWebinar - Global HarmonizationWebinar - Graduated ResponsesWebinar - Graduated SanctionsWebinar - LSI-R RefresherWebinar - Personal SafetyWebinar - Positive PsychologyWebinar - Professional WritingWebinar - Report Writing for DPPWebinar - Sexual HarassmentWebinar - Social MediaWebinar - State of MD E-Services TrainingWebinar - Stress ManagementWebinar - Time Management & Organizational SkillsWebinar - Trauma Informed Improves CJ SystemWebinar - Workplace BullyingWebinar: Personality Style at WorkWellness Conference for Public Safety ProfessionalsWindows 7 TrainingWMD Awareness Level TrainingWMD Radiological/ Nuclear Responder OperationsWMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness (140)WMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness T4TWMD Standardized Awareness AWR-160Workday Basics for DSPCS Supervisors & StaffWorkday Refresher Session for DPSCSWorkday Refresher Training for SupervisorsWriter's Workshop Current Month/Year: November 2023December 2023January 2024February 2024March 2024April 2024May 2024June 2024July 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024November 2024December 2024January 2025February 2025March 2025April 2025May 2025June 2025July 2025August 2025September 2025October 2025 Prior MonthNovember 2024Next Month S M T W T F S 1Defensive Tactics Instructor Course (10-Day)LDI- First Line Supervisor TrainingCTU - Correctional Entrance Level AcademyFTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Entry Level TrngDTF- Entry Level EVOC (5 Day)FTF-Md. Natural Resources PDNIC Learning & Performance CoachFTF-University of Md.-Baltimore CityFTF-Staff Shoot - Rifle Range 2 3 4FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Entry Level TrngFTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolLDI- Strengthening Your Supervisory SkillsDPP- CPR/First AidDTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day) 5FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Entry Level TrngFTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolDTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day) 6FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Entry Level TrngFTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolDTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Supervisors)DPP- Situational Awareness for DPP PersonnelDPP- Criminal History Verification (1-day) 7FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Entry Level TrngFTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolDTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)LDI- DiSC for Improved Communication & Collaboration 8FTF-Md. Transportation Authority PD-Entry Level TrngFTF-Type 3 Rifle SchoolDTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)Webinar - Domestic Violence and Community SupervisionWebinar - Dynamics of Domestic Violence 9 10 11DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day) 12DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)CTU - Correctional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- Situational Awareness for DPP PersonnelWebinar - Collections & Accounting 13DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)CTU - Correctional Entrance Level AcademyDPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Supervisors)DPP- Monitor Academy 14DTF- Emergency Vehicle Operations In-Service (2 Days)DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)CTU - Correctional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- Monitor AcademyFTF-LEOSA-AMFTF-LEOSA-PMDPP- Post Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph 15DTF- Emergency Vehicle Operations In-Service (2 Days)DTF- Emergency Vehicle Ops Instructor Program (10 day)CTU - Correctional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- Monitor AcademyField Training Officer Refresher 16CTU - Correctional Entrance Level AcademyDPP- Monitor Academy 17DPP- Monitor Academy 18Basic Instructor Training (5-day) 19Basic Instructor Training (5-day)LDI- Strategic CommunicationFTF-LEOSA-PM 20Basic Instructor Training (5-day)DPSCS Implicit Bias Awareness (Supervisors)DPP- CPR/First Aid 21Basic Instructor Training (5-day)FTF-LEOSA-PMFTF-LEOSA-AM 22Basic Instructor Training (5-day) 23 24 25Field Training & Evaluation Program 26Field Training & Evaluation ProgramFTF-LEOSA-PMFTF-LEOSA-AM 27Field Training & Evaluation Program 28 29 30